Wednesday 29 January 2014


Assisted suicide is a very emotive subject. As with abortion the opposing supporters hold strong views. It basically comes down to this: who has sovereignty over their own body? If you are dying is it up to you to say "enough is enough" and choose to end your life? Do you have that right if you are a parent with loved ones that need you?

The biggest obstacle to this becoming legal is determining if someone is in their right mind (a social construct if ever there was one). If you have been told that you have a terminal illness by a doctor or specialist, apart from feeling shocked it must also affect the way that you think for the rest of your life. How can it not? What if family members with their eye on an inheritance persuade, trick or bully a person into opting for suicide? A law like this would be impossible to police. How would the authority in charge know that the dying person came to the decision to end their life with no pressure, threat or force?

The idea of a living will has been suggested by some. This is a document drawn up by a person before they are ill, which would put down ahead of time conditions that the individual would not like to live under. For example, someone who may well get a hereditary disease could write a legal disclaimer that once they reached a certain level of pain or degeneration they no longer wish to live. The snag here is that it would still end up in a legal debate as to whether a person that knows they may get a certain condition is in their right mind to make such a decision as their thought processes must be predisposed to think the worst because they are living in fear.

Anyway, the state wants to decide when we die. We are, after all wage slaves with a duty and obligation to work all of our lives to make other people rich. Also the state (by which I mean the government and the elites that tell governments what to do) is two faced and sneaky. Their aim is to appear to act in your best interests while plotting to prevent us reproducing offspring and poisoning us to death through pollution, food additives, vaccinations and weather manipulation. Nobody dies until the state says they can. Here's the link that started my rambling:

On the subject of poison here's an article about controlled death:

Line up for your poison. As I mentioned a few weeks ago they keep telling us there is a massive flu pandemic. Every winter for years now, but it hasn't appeared. This makes me wonder, if they are so worried about us getting the flu, why do they keep messing about with viruses in labs? Why do they want animal viruses to cross over to people? One day they will succeed and then the mass cull will begin. Take this next link, for example. The Council on Foreign Relations ( a non government organization whose members include ex- politicians, current politicians, military personnel and of course representation from wall street and the federal reserve) has weighed in to the argument about vaccinations, ridiculing any findings about the dangers of these poisons. They have even created a bogus map showing that there are areas of outbreaks of viruses in areas that have been against vaccinations.

We are all going to be treated as idiots if we wont vaccinate. I have a degenerative disease which hits my immunity system. Every year for the past five years at least my Doctors surgery has phoned me asking me to go in for a 'flu shot. I don't go because I know that viruses constantly mutate, so getting injected with a previous strain is not going to help me. Most of the people I know who have had the injection are ill for days afterwards. But one nurse (snotty cow!) at my surgery was suggesting that by not getting the jab I was putting my own health at risk. This made me wonder when they will make it a condition of receiving medical assistance based on the patients cooperation with vaccinations. I also get the princely sum of £50 a week disability benefit. What if they decide to withhold that if I won't get poisoned? We have less and less freedom of choice and I believe that this is the way that they will try and force cooperation with their eugenics plans.

If you are reading this and you are young and sexually active I feel that I have to warn you about a killer STD. The hysteria around this one is that it is potentially a bigger killer that AIDS.

....well, I'm glad I'm old and past it.

Now for some sensationalism at its best. Are you planning a family in the near future? Apparently there are plans to have your baby microchipped. If true, this really is the end of freedom.

I read this and followed the link to the original piece and have to say that there is not one fact or any evidence to be found in them. I'm not saying that this is impossible to do, of course it is possible, and could well be done in conjunction with vaccinations. What I am saying is give me some facts. All the same the rest of the article is interesting, giving examples of groups within the population that have already been targeted. Make up your own mind, though. So much of this stuff is put out as disinformation to make it more difficult to find the truth.

Here's some truth for you. Your government kills and then lies about it. Here is some more evidence of the dangers of vaccines:

So they don't harm sales of this years poison they hide the number of fetal deaths caused by last years.

Add to all these worrying stories the news that FEMA is making huge purchases again. As you may know they bought vast quantities of ammunition and temporary coffins last year, this year they are gearing up for a pandemic. Again.

Its funny, I started off this piece writing about assisted suicide and by the time I get to the end I can only conclude that there is no need for it given that so many scientists and government agencies are working so hard to kill us. One of these days, either by forced vaccinations put in place as a result of a false flag pandemic or through the accidental release of a virus from a lab we will all end up poisoned. Oh, and lets not forget what the Fukishima disaster is already doing to the world.

Signing off now. I'll be back soon to cheer you up some more!.

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