Sunday 12 January 2014


Fukishima cover up? An interesting video this, for a number of reasons. Dr Richard Davies is interviewed on He was obviously grateful to be heard because he drops a few plugs in for and the infowars shop, a kind of infomercial infowars video. I was listening to a broadcast by GUNN (Glasgow Underground News Network) on Youtube and they made the point, with much amusement, that Alex Jones is no longer alternative or underground media. They are right. He is at the head of a growing industry that has sprung up to meet the need of the paranoid and panic stricken "prepper" movement who are readying themselves for the breakdown of American Society. Obviously he is now brand Alex and is most definitely mainstream. Even the start of his broadcasts wouldn't look out of place on TV alongside those of CNN or CBS. I will return to GUNN after assessing this video, as they made another observation about Alex Jones which invites scrutiny.

The interview begins after the host (Lee Ann McAdoo) introduces the topic, which is radiation arriving on the shores of America and how the Government are being silent about it. People have been taking readings on the beach and are reporting mass die offs of sea creatures. We then get a quick biography of Dr Davies. He is an organic chemist and was in the Navy. He ran trauma centers. The Navy gave him courses in nuclear and chemical warfare. He then admits that hes not an expert. The host asks him for his views on the sailors that are suing TEPCO after being exposed to radiation at the Fukishima clean up operation. According to Dr Davies first responders are probably already dead or suffering from extreme radiation sickness and cancer. He then praised the people out there on the front line and pointed out that it was our leadership that had to be examined. I don't think that many of us would argue with that. His opinion on the mass species death events is that it could be caused by the radiation from Fukishima which, he reminds us resulted from damage to multiple reactors that housed different types of isotopes. As ocean waters mix, he said, it will change from a west coast of America problem to a worldwide one.

He was then asked if this is the reason why there was a conspiracy of silence regarding Fukishima or something more nefarious. His answer may shock you, unless you read the rumors I read two years ago. He said that evidence is emerging that the Fukishima accident may not have been entirely natural. What he is alluding to are the stories that broke shortly after the disaster which suggested that the seismic data showed anomalies. One of the theories being put forward was that the shock wave sent a tsunami in one direction, toward Japan. There was no visible sign of a tsunami across the pond, so to speak. A natural tsunami would have sent high tides in both directions. Dr Davies is calling it a 9/11 type false flag event. Other sources at the time claimed it was a punishment for Japan who were resisting western pressure to plunge themselves into further debt and into the clutches of the international banks.

The host then asks Davies why the government are saying that the Geiger counter readings taken by people on the west coast are not accurate. He replied that as a scientist it would be good practice to have the findings corroborated by other equipment that is available. It is also important to constantly take new readings, but his main point is that no government agency is doing any of this.

 Now it's infomercial time. When asked if there is anything that we can do to minimize the effects? Answer stay away from the coast and out of the rain, don't eat pacific fish, and here it comes - take Iodine. He and his family take Nascent Iodine bought from the Alex Jones shop which he would advise people to take. The next question asked is what should keep on top of? They should centralize the data being collected across the west coast by local groups then challenge the authorities to release information to the public.

Lee Ann McAdoo then summarizes, after popping in another plug for the shop and their range of solutions for "the little things we can do". In other words, if you are on the west coast and are waiting to die of cancer why not shop online at while you wait. You don't want your money falling into the hands of a capitalist with an agenda. We should also pop over to for more news on Fukishima and a lot more. (That's another Alex Jones site, in case you didn't know). I then realized she was not going to summarize at all, just advertise. In fact the last four minutes are taken up by adverts for AJ products, some done by the man himself.

My summary is short and free of advertising. Most of the points looked at here are well documented online and this video adds nothing new. The worth of this piece, then, lies on the credibility of the expert. I googled him but couldn't find anything, but never checked social networks. Just saying.

On to other matters then. In the aforementioned interview on GUNN Kev (TruthTube451, AKA MrGlasgowTruther on Youtube) and his mate Cip and a guest called Dom poked fun at the AJ show, particularly the adverts. They also mention that there is supposed to be a subliminal message in the intro to his DVD The Rise of the FEMA State It is a guest called Des (not me) that first mentions that Jones is now mainstream media, at approx. 52 minutes in.He follows this by mentioning the subliminal "submit to fear". I have watched the video and did see the caption. It is not, however a subliminal message. It is on the screen for far too long. A subliminal is barely registered by the eye, or not registered at all. I offer an alternative and simple explanation : the caption is part of the build up to a typical Alex Jones piece outlining how freedoms and rights are being removed from the American republic and replaced by a surveillance state. The only thing Mr Jones is guilty of is sensationalism. That is part and parcel of the whole products for preppers package: create a state of fear in the viewer then lead them to your product. The entire piece is here, but AJ is mentioned merely as an aside to something else.

So is Alex Jones a sell out? Is he part of the controlled revolution? I asked such questions in a blog a year or so ago. Then I concluded that I wasn't convinced that he is a stooge. Now, a year on, I rarely go on to his sites, when once they were visited daily. This is not because of the content, it is the new snazzy looking , yes mainstream format that put me off. That and the fact that he promotes his own products constantly. As far as the business side goes he has sold out. He has become the monster that he sought to conquer. Whole industries are linked to his name: water purifiers, Nascent Iodine, survival stuff and of course his internet sites. But why knock him for it? Is he not living the American dream? From humble beginnings a mighty empire grows?(I must confess, I have no idea how humble his beginngs were, I just thought that sounded good!) The point is, to me he is a sell out because I am anti capitalist. He isn't, so by his standards he hasn't sold out. As far as his content, aims and intentions go they seem the same as they ever were. Ideologically, he hasn't sold out. His critics should worry more about his right wing gun-slinging rhetoric which is going to encourage some to "protect" their "rights" with deadly force. That would look like controlled opposition.

My biggest disappointment with Jones was his behavior on the BBC2 Andrew Neill Interview when the Bilderbergs were in Watford. This was his opportunity, whilst on national TV in the UK, with at least several hundred thousand lunch time viewers to outline the truth movement agenda. He could have presented findings on corporate conglomeracy and show the links between groups and individuals who are meeting in private behind closed doors and are making financial and political decisions that could effect millions of people who did not vote for anybody to do this and who have no recourse to take action should they not like what is being done. Sadly, he did not do this. Instead he chose to wear his "loud, obnoxious American" hat, to shout about the Bilderbergs and exposing their agenda. Honestly, if his intention was to show truth seekers and conspiracy theorists as ranting loonies then mission accomplished Alex. You know, the more I write the more I appear to be swaying towards the thinking that he is a media plant. I mean, why would he choose to behave like that when given a chance to inform people. Andrew Neill baited the trap and Alex jumped in with both feet.

So, in assessing an interview I have discovered that it is basically a filler piece with a scary title. It is a drawn out infomercial. In assessing the man behind the media I can only wonder what his true agenda really is. Will he rant and curse forever? Is this to rile people up? Will the fall of American society and economy happen any time soon? People have been telling us for twenty years that it's on its way. One thing is for sure : radiation is on its way so stock up on your Iodine (available at the infowars store!).

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