Monday 13 January 2014


While I was checking the news the other day I decided to search for the most hysterical panic story that I could find. They are everywhere in the alternative media. The internet allows everyone a voice, even those with nothing constructive to say. Who writes these stories? The people invariably hide behind a false name and write things hoping for hysteria and panic in society to follow. Here are a few examples :

contender #1 :

Before its news. They really ought to rename themselves. Something like This is never going to be news. Americans around the world are going to be micro chipped, they say. According to other news on this site, it would be a waste of money to microchip people as the population is dying of radiation poisoning, from eating GM foods or being frozen to death. Also, as if that wasn't enough the radiation levels are increasing on the east coast as well as the west.

Frogs sitting in the water waiting to boil, eh? This guys a poet and he didn't know it.

But WAIT! There's more. Plans, I repeat plans to create a total melt down at Fukishima.

What an article this is! A hysterical first paragraph begins by telling us to be prepared for anything. This piece is written by someone calling themselves "Due Dilligance" They follow this up by telling us that whereas previous end times prophesies have been rubbish (we had noticed) this is the real thing. Buckle up people! We are in the end of days. I thought it had been getting dark recently...

I love the bit that says:

"If you are scoffing at the warnings, guess what? You are fulfilling prophecy and you are only hurting yourself and any of those who may be listening to you. Check it out, I’m not putting you on..."

Due then goes on to give us a couple of quotes from the new testament . You know, the collection of stories that Christians believe as "fact" because they have their own word for fact, which is "faith". With faith you need no evidence you just have to believe. Leaving that aside I thought that it had been proven that St John the revelation guy was actually writing about his own contemporary times and the oppression of the Romans. I wont beat about the bush - nobody can tell the future. Prophecy is a lie with an agenda.

The piece finishes with a prayer. Oh, bless! Due Dilligence is pictured holding a rifle, so must be one of those "Gun in one hand, bible in the other" types. Bloody hypocrites! I'm not a Christian so I am by no means an expert, but I think I have it right when I say that Jesus was a good guy wasn't he? Wasn't he into peace and love, and turn the other cheek? Wasn't he anti church, telling people to worship in natural surroundings, I mean, he was basically a hippy that was centuries ahead of his time.  So if he did return, which is to infer that he was here before and was not just a comet or a set of ancient stories hijacked by a new religion which had no actual history of its own, if he was here now and some twat walked up to him with a bible in one hand and a gun in the other and said "Hi, I'm a Christian" wouldn't Christ say "Then why are you, like, holding a weapon of death, man" probably followed by an inquiry as to where he could get some weed and chill ouuut.
Anyway I should stop making fun because I'm helping fulfill the prophecy by doing so, as well as hurting me and my potential readers. I am sorry, potential readers, and hope I don't bring doomsday upon you. Stop reading now, it may not be too late! No, don't. There's some good stuff to come. Tell you what, I'll put in a good words for us. So just in case I would like to say, God, if you are up there (or all around, whatever) I've got no problem with you, its your so called representatives on earth I have a problem with.

Anyway, to continue the search is another piece which, would you "Adam and Eve it?" its about the end of the world.

OMG! There's a massive lens flare heading our way. No! It's Niburu! No, wait, it's lens flare.

A more earth bound danger next - GM foods :

Back to GM foods. The biggest problem with these is that they haven't been around long enough to see what they do to people over a life time. I guess Monsanto, et al, are looking at the current population as the Guinea Pigs.We be mutated into Molocks! Seriously, though I don't want to eat any of that GM crap. Leave Mother Nature alone, I say.

Well that was fun, I must do it again. Give it a day or two and there will be more hysteria to report on. I could list a lot more right now but I think covering GM poisoning,a phantom Niburu, compulsory microchipping and the end of the world will do for one blog.

I will return with more.

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