Monday 6 January 2014


Our environment, by which I mean our entire planet is under attack on many fronts. Mining poisons the atmosphere and the miners, Industry produces as much waste as it does products. The situation in China now is the same as in the west at the turn of the last century :

 Many other industrial areas in China are the same. It just goes to show that no matter what kind of government or political system you live under your elite will work you to death and make sure death comes quickly by completely poisoning the air that we breathe. There isn't much industrial pollution in the west (apart from the mining, fracking and nuclear processing) which is why they have developed chem-trails. They don't want us to miss out on our daily dose of poison.

There is an interesting article here which outlines the damage our food chain is suffering because of nuclear accidents:

Speaking of poison even before Fukshima the US was dumping nuclear waste in the ocean :

Its not just the US :

No wonder fishermen are saying that the ocean is dead. As well as dealing with poison of the deadliest kind Fish stocks are also dropping because of increased demand.

Isit any surprise that it results in this :

It is no surprise that the public no longer have faith in the state. It is becoming more obvious daily that the people they represent mean nothing to the politicians. I am surprised that people are still eating fish. Fortunately I'm allergic, at least that's one less way that cancer can get me. Still, I suppose that all the cooking programs and even cooking channels have something to do with that. They are all seafood mad. Either that or the top chefs and TV directors are encouraged to promote it. I think that it should go a stage further, something like "30 minute meals, brought to you  by British Nuclear Fuels, proud poisoners of Dublin Bay Prawns."

Another daily perusal I make is to check on news of viruses. Two things seem to be happening with viruses:
firstly there is an awful lot of research going on, much of which is aimed at trying to make an animal virus jump over to humans and second the media is printing and airing stories daily about these viruses, particularly bird flu. Its good to keep people worried so that they don't look more closely at the real problems we face. In the near future, as the death toll from Fukishima mounts the media will cover up the connection by suggesting that there is a flu pandemic under way. The links below show the danger of allegedly intelligent people tampering with natures way of culling:

...and add to that general sloppiness

There is also an increase in diseises thought to have been eradicated:

Death the military way here with more proof that the invasion of Afghanistan has made things worse:

War is, of course the oldest method employed in mass killing, and since time began there has been an elite behind the carnage. Their reasons nowadays are primarily financial but of course there is also ethnic cleansing. Even now state elites get rid of dissent this way. China's regime are battling growing religious opposition with harsh measures and Turkey does the same to Kurds that want independence. As for Israel, they have mastered it as an art. They took the Nazis death camp idea within which Jews were cruelly treated and killed and applied it to Palestine.

When you think about all the wars going on around the world, the pollution and the contamination is it any wonder that there are people that believe the powers that be want to kill us? One thing is for sure, they are not doing anything to improve things for us, are they?

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