Monday 6 January 2014


Despite growing evidence to the contrary position scientists (paid by governments) are still adamant that people are responsible for global warming. All the changes in our climate are our fault because of industrialization and in particular the filthy oil industry and driving cars. Their position is laid out in this article from the daily Torygraph:

We all know the argument - increased carbon in the atmosphere from human made causes is preventing heat escaping to space. This is the greenhouse effect. However there is growing evidence to suggest that the position we are in is a lot more complex than that with many more forces at play than increased carbon.Weather around the world has gone haywire. Areas that rarely or never see snow are being buried by it :

Snow has also been reported in the middle east. In the U.S. there are areas with record snow at the same time as some states are in a drought and others are experiencing heavy rain. A recent article that sums up this farcical situation reported that a conspiracy of climate scientists (I think that should be the new term for more than one scientist) who were on their way to Antartica to confirm global warming got stuck in the ice:

The reason that they got stuck was simple - there has been an increase in the amount of ice at the south pole which is the opposite of what the climatologists are trying to prove.

These scientists should realize that their orchestrated lie is being exposed. Only ignorant uninformed people, or people with an agenda believe in global warming. A quick look around the world in news stories soon proves this. In the U.S. at the moment they are preparing for extremely cold weather:,0,6839087.story

Some newspapers are highlighting the contradiction :

Even the Australian bush fires this summer have caused arguments with advocates of global warming citing the fires as proof of global warming and those in opposition to this statement are saying this is a naturally occuring phenomenon that happens every year.

Other scientific reports blame other sources for global warming :

Levels of methane have, of course been cited in global warming arguments before. Intensive farming methods to meet the demand for meat have led to some saying that the methane given off by cattle is a big contributor. At the bottom of the above piece is a link to another article on the relationship between earthquakes and undersea methane deposits. I would venture that this is a lot more dangerous than breeding cattle. It is a good reason for us to make our governments rethink the practice of fracking before they disturb Methane that may kill us all.

That's the biggest irony really. The government blame us for global warming because of our activities in our day to day lives, but at the same time give permission to greedy capitalists to increase toxic gasses in the atmosphere from mining, drilling for oil and most dangerous of all fracking.

Why should we listen to the elites in our society when they are obviously so hypocritical. The dumb twats haven't even stopped to think of what will happen to the economy if people stop driving cars, which means not buying petrol. What if millions of people decide to become vegetarian because of cow methane? I hope it happens. I hope people turn away in droves from oil products until the destroyers of our planet stop fracking. It's bad enough that we don't know the full story on the effects of mobile phones and broadcasting masts because reports are not made public. The truth is that the damage to the environment caused by "us" is actually caused by capitalists who don't want to clean up their act because it will lessen their profits.

The truth about climate change probably lies with another conspiracy of scientists, the weather modification crowd who at long last are admitting what they are doing.

Here is a list of some of the organizations involved and what they are working on:

With all this going on and Fukishima it is no wonder that our planet is dying. Lets not forget that before Fukishima there was Chernobyl, before that Three mile Island and before that Winscale (Sellafield). How many more radiation leaks can we withstand? I'm in my fifties so I don't have long left anyway, but what will my children face in the coming years? Given that they are being dumbed down by the state how will they deal with these problems? By the time my fourteen year old daughter gets to middle age will she recognise the world that she was born into?

I don't think that she will.

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