Thursday 9 January 2014


Moral panics.

I have seen this item on a number of sites, and of course the doomsayers have picked up on it on Youtube.

Another scare story or warning us in advance? Why mention it now when the last one happened 70000 years ago? Answer? To keep people distracted and scared and (they hope) have people turning to the nanny state for help. As for the scaremongers, they are on the tube with their videos of how Yellowstone is "overdue" an eruption as if it was a train that is late pulling in to the station. They forget that they are talking about a natural phenomenon which is still not completely understood. We don't know all the mechanisms that trigger earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. They may even be influenced by the activity of the sun such as coronal mass ejections or sunspots. I don't know, but what I do know is that if a super volcano does erupt we can do nothing about it so whats the point of fretting?

Global warming anyone?

A freaky article here tells of the frost in Canada causing booming sounds. More evidence to counter the global warming argument. Although here is one in support of it :

Yeb Sano, who led the Philippines delegation at the UN c(lie)mate conference was almost crying as he talks of global warming. This cracks me up. Scientists and politicians cannot see past global warming. The storm that Mr Sano is talking about could have been because of weather modification, an area of research that science based companies are only now coming clean about despite decades of messing with cloud seeding and chem-trailing. Below is a link that just might expose the direction that the global warming brigade may take to account for all the cold weather. The article goes on to point out that there isn't any proof of increases in storm strength when compared to records of previous years.

Meanwhile, radioactive snow is falling in the USA.Below is an item by Dutchsinse,of Youtube fame who measured radiation levels of snow falling on Missouri:

Dutchsinse also studied the tropical storm Haiyan of which Yeb spoke. He assessed microwave bursts in the area and concluded that this storm may have been steered towards the Philippines. This caused controversy at the time, with Philippine TV stations picking up on the story. They then dragged in traditional c(lie)mate "experts" who ridiculed this idea and said it was impossible. I'm not so sure of that though, as HAARP is an extremely powerful weapon known to be aimed at the stratosphere to bounce microwave and radio signals back to earth. What I am saying is that it is not scientifically impossible, and the speed with which Dutchsinse was challenged suggests that the Philippines media elite wanted this idea quashed as soon as possible.

 The first batch of chemical weapons have been removed from Syria. What are they going to do with them? Dump them in the ocean, of course.

They are to be destroyed in international waters, it has not been revealed where. Perhaps they are starting to poison the Atlantic to restore balance between oceans.

So the situation in Syria must be improving a little. No.

Chemical weapons removed and replaced by conventional weapons. Why can't the UK and the USA keep out of international affairs? Greed and power. Its all about control. All "Arab Spring" countries were going to move away from the petrodollar and create a new exchange rate currency.

I had to include this next piece in the news round up. I thought that I had a minority view, perhaps not. (Although I don't think that the aliens that visited long ago were little green men,as pictured. We were made in their image, after all.)

Did something happen in 1890 in North Carolina that the authorities don't want known?

Stories like this fascinate me. As someone who is interested in history I know I would have loved to look at these. Documents found from 1890 are rare, even the census, as the article points out is sketchy during this period. Whereas I can understand why the Carolina state archives wouldn't want them if they were concerned about mold spreading to other artifacts there was no reason why they couldn't be returned to The Heritage Society of Franklin county who could have housed them .

Finally for this news roundup is a piece on GM foods. From the beginning I have thought that this was a stupid idea, one with profit written all over it.GM foods, not safe. I don't think that is a surprise to many of us.

perhaps that's why they are trying to hide them :

If Monsanto and similar genocidal chemical companies are so confident in their product then why go to these lengths to hide them? They will probably win their argument because the FDA have shown in the past that they have scant regard for the safety of American citizens. It has been good to see, over the past year many countries, Poland for example, have refused to allow GM crops in their country. At least the Poles are showing some backbone. The UK government are trying to find ways to sneak it in to British foods as they can't do it honestly because we don't want them. In truth, though, we have to accept that with cross contamination and the subterfuge of greedy capitalists we are probably eating GM food now, or eating meat that comes from animals that are fed GM products.

Well, I'm off to buy more seeds to store before they are all GM. Grow your own food, people. It's the safest way.

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