Tuesday 14 January 2014


I thought that I'd provide some balance to my blogging following on from the last one by looking at some news stories that are genuinely concerning rather than hysterical. The first link gives cause for concern. I saw a David Attenborough documentary a few years ago about Sardines. It followed their journey across the world and showed what an important part of the food chain they are, being vital to the survival of many species.


An important part of the food chain is disappearing.It follows that if the Sardines dwindle in number so will all the other creatures in the food chain. The poor old fish population is getting it every which way at the moment :


.....I can't help but ask - are the frozen seas a sign of global warming?

In warmer climes the oyster is in trouble.


This could have serious consequences. If this isn't sorted out quickly they may have to delay the shooting of the next Masterchef Australia and My Kitchen Rules Series'. They'd be buggered without their sea food.

On the subject of food I was angered to read that Warburtons and Jordan are using cereal that contains Glyphosate - a GM agent. Well I tell you what you poisoning tossers, you have cost yourself a customer, and I hope that others feel the same way.


The NWO is hotting up a pace :


The plan is : 1. A United states of Europe. 2. Open borders and shared laws between the USA, Canada and Mexico. 3. An Asian Bloc with China at the head. From there it will be easy to merge the three under a world government. To be honest, when I was a kid, watching Thunderbirds and Joe 90 I used to think we would have that by the year 2000. Sadly for the NWO we all grew up and not enough of us were brainwashed enough by TV. That's the weak link in the mass media onslaught: there are always plenty of people that do not get affected. Whatever it is with the frequency of broadcast it does not captivate everybody. Luckily, society has plenty of people like myself who question everything and take nothing at face value. Other methods are needed. That's why Bush started the war on terrrr. But, alas that has convinced very few people. We are just not playing the game which must be very frustrating for the PTB (powers that be) I mean, what is the point of these people funding terrorism all around the world if we don't start begging to be protected? The war on terror hasn't caught the collective imagination, just like the war on drugs never. We love a pantomime here in Britain and we know a farce when we see one.

What are your children doing at their pc right now? This is creepy and scary


I tried to follow this link for more details but got a "site error" message. Creepy is not a strong enough word for this. It is because of people like these that I regularly check what my daughter is doing online and who she is talking to. I even check her pc when she is at school. Yes, I'm aware that this is somewhat "Big Daddy" - ish but I want to know for sure that she is safe from predators.

Before we get the truth out of the government we get years, decades of denial. Then slowly information leaks out in to the mainstream. Such is the case of weather modification. It makes you think again about the causes of the current horrific weather in the USA, Europe, in fact around the globe.HAARP and Chem trails are now openly acknowledged. There are even websites for viewers to find out very little of what they are up to. HAARP and chemtrails have put the weather system out of balance. Instead of making things worse, why don't they come clean and admit that global warming is a smokescreen and tell us what is really going on in the ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM?


Now for the downright creepy (again. There's a lot of it about). This is what we weird truth seeker types have been trying to point out. Our reality is constructed for us.


This extremely informative set of videos shows just how much of so called reality TV is fake. The people are no more than characters played by actors. These actors also turn up in news items as witnesses or victims. There are other videos online that show witnesses from 9/11 also playing witnesses at the Boston bombing. I think that thew three part video at the above link tells you all you need to know, though. They will take up almost three hours to watch but once watched you will have a far better idea of how the media lies to us on many different levels.

After all the NSA revelations which have led to an international backlash against the US a new survey shows they have contributed very little in dealing with domestic terrorism. There are two reasons for this, I'd venture: 1. If terrorist cells stay off the grid they won't get caught. 2. As it has now transpired that the CIA, the US military and British and French secret services (amongst others) trained most of those that are active in international terrorism it stands to reason that they wouldn't be spying on them.


Ladies (and gentlemen that like to wear make up), would you like to look your best while you are slowly being poisoned? Try these products:


the following toxins are in these lip products:
    Cadmium (known carcinogen)
    Chromium (known carcinogen)
    Titanium (recently classified as a carcinogen)
    Aluminum (likely carcinogenic)
    Lead (likely carcinogenic)
    Nickel (likely carcinogenic) (table from the above item)

In a quicker attempt to kill its citizens a more radical approach was taken in Virginia


People poisoned and left without water. Is anywhere safe? That's a rhetorical question. This seems like a good place to stop. It seems that even if you ignore all the hysteria and nonsense online there is still a lot to be worried about.

Sleep tight!

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