Saturday 8 February 2014


About a year ago there was a story circulating about a farmer in the US who was arrested for cattle rustling after being monitored by a drone. He is now the first person to be convicted of a crime using evidence gathered by one. Will this become more common? Now that it has been allowed in to evidence, will this prove to be the thin end of the wedge? It is obvious that a country the size of the United states needs help with data collection because of the manpower needed and also the size and scope of different terrain and urban areas that they have to engage in. It also doesn't help the cause of the police that they live in a country that allows people to have guns. Drones, therefore, from a law enforcement perspective make perfect sense. They can be deployed in areas that could be dangerous for operatives to enter without intel. A drone can give live intel which could be both life saving and crucial.

What are the dangers? First, and already well documented is the concern over the surveillance of average people. Is this a safeguard for the public, or a way to gather information about them? It is, as they say, a double edged sword. What worries me, as someone that hates capitalism is the readiness of the state to work with the consumer giants and internet browsers to build up a dossier of our spending habits, where we go on the net, where we go when we leave our home, who we socialize with, what your opinions are and so on. They don't know any of us, nor have they spoken to us or spent time with us on a one to one basis. Naturally, then, they get a one dimension image of people. So if they are gathering data about a crime as it happening, fair enough. If they are profiling us all, not good.

An even bigger concern is death. We all know what the cowardly US forces have been using drones for in Pakistan and the Yemen. We also know that they have killed innocent people by mistake. Lets face it, even if they get the right targets, by which I mean the terrorists that they themselves trained that are now expendable or have gone rogue they still have no right to cross national borders uninvited to carry out their own agenda.
Drones are being improved and deployed everywhere. Now that one has successfully been deployed in the states the police will justify the use of armed drones. What then? Will they start taking out citizens with the wrong sort of profile? Big Brother just continues to get bigger every day.

So from one attempt at monitoring our freedom (lol) to attempts to blame us for the state of the worlds weather.

The next link shows more proof that global warming is bogus. What we are actually experiencing is part of a natural cycle.

Anyone with a modicum of common sense (as my dad used to say) will have worked out a long time ago that we are not responsible for the changes in weather. If there are man made reasons, which there are, they are nothing to do with the 99%. We don't own or want Nuclear power stations, we do not want fracking, we don't want oil exploration destroying our environment or oil products polluting our air and causing cancer. We don't want weather modification or chem trailing. Clean up your own act 1%ers!

Here are some photos of the worlds crazy weather from Please note that there are not many examples of warming.

Staying with Climate News, if you need to brush up on or learn what Chem-trails are they provide a decent introduction here.

Chem trails are only part of the geo-engineering agenda. Alarming (or well faked) videos are surfacing on Youtube of snow in Georgia that will not melt when a flame is put on it. See here:

So whats going on? If this stuff doesn't melt is it going to sit there forever? People are reporting chemical smells from the snow. Could it be pollution? Is it heavy metal snow? One guy thinks that it is Nanobots which will bury themselves in to the ground. Really? How cheap are they?Can the government/scientists/military/illuminati, whoever, afford to drop billions of Nanobots on the populace? Stupid stories like this are made to deceive and confuse. What we have is a situation where extreme weather is affecting a whole continent. It is important to find out if an organization is behind it or if it is a natural phenomenon. Lets leave the science fiction aside for now.

If this is artificial snow then someone has an interest in bringing the USA to a standstill. Why? Is it an attempt to depopulate by picking off the old, frail and very young as well as isolating people in their own homes and destroying supply lines. Is it a way to stop dissent? Do they want the whole spectrum of social interaction to slow to the speed of  economic recovery? Perhaps they will keep everybody housebound until they figure out what to do about the budget, or who to go to war with so that they can steal some gold and cash.

Whatever the reason, or cause, I find it hard to say that our elites, who are pushing global warming are behind this. Unless of course, they speak with forked tongue. That is the biggest problem for those who look for the truth : recognizing it. How much cooperation is there between politicians, corporate CEOs, religious leaders and the military and how much conflict? Most of the alternative press see only one large organization called the New World Order that is working towards total control of the worlds resources and populace. I think that this is an oversimplified view . For one thing, who are they trying to take control from? There are various powerful NGOs and pressure groups that are trying to extrapolate their plans for the future on to the stagnating societies that we live in. They do not all want the same thing and do not all cooperate. I am working on a piece that explains my take on the current power struggle but I have been writing it for ages and if I don't finish soon I won't get it published before they define opinions like mine as dangerous.

I don't think it will be long now before certain subjects are censored on the internet under order of the government. We will all end up with the Chinese version of the internet, where you even have to be careful what you joke about.

The elite want to shut people up more than any other objective they have at the moment. That's why they invented social media outlets, to fill with agents who's job it is to steer the debate and marginalize free thinkers.

Democracy has never really existed but freedom of speech does. It would be a tragedy to lose it.

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