Last blog I wrote about the "free" market and how it doesn't work, looking at control of choice, unfair competition and built in bias, advertising and selling goods designed to fail in order to create further sales. I should have added at that time that companies are also happy to rush goods to the marketplace before the teething problems are ironed out. Of course stupid consumers help make this happen by preordering goods. What kind of numbskull pays the greedy capitalist BEFORE they have the goods. The mind boggles!
These are just a few of the tricks hidden up the sleeves of the capitalist. Yet people still labour under the false assumption that it is a free market, which they take it means that the system is open to all and has rules that govern it. In actual fact, the "free" in free market means free to shit on everyone that you are bigger than and help yourself to their resources.
Not only do you need to have loads of money, the backing of a bank plus premises and a license to trade or manufacture, without the right contacts there is no guarantee of any success. This is evident most in the modern era. At the dawn of the industrial revolution, through shady dealings and bully boy tactics certain families became the "nouveau riche". They were mainly made up of international Bankers and industrialists. These people saw themselves as the new royalty and the mood of this new class was one of optimistic megalomania: as the future unfolded they expected to replace Royalty and be the ultimate elite and set out to interfere as much as possible with the community and the individuals therein. Apparently they know what is best for us.
These are the people of the illuminati, who seek to replace royalty, religion and government . National governments cede power to larger organisations such as the EU. This diminishes National identity in favour of federation, eroding nationalism and individualism. Do not make the mistake that most conspiracy theorists do by including the Royal family in with these criminals, the Royal Families of Europe and the Freemasons stand for OLD values and an old order. The new world order would either destroy these groups and steal their knowledge and wealth or, alternately ridicule and trivialise them in the eyes of the people - THEN steal their wealth and knowledge. It could be argued that they are at war with each other now for control of society. I admit this is an unusual view but I truly believe that the NWO is separate from the Masons and the Royal families. I also believe that the Bilderberg meetings are not just a straightforward sit down to map out the future sort of event: I think it is two sides coming together to negotiate.
So, point five, six and seven are that you need money to make money, without contacts you fail and those with the power transcend national borders and dominate economies and ignore any laws that get in their way.
As an example of how the modern political/economic balance is changing let us look at point eight of this list: Blackmail. The worst kind of blackmail, the "too big to fail" bailout is a subject on its own, to be examined later. For now, let us look at how the corporate world is willing to blackmail governments over jobs and tax breaks. First of all we have out and out robbery of the country - Tax evasion. What happens when the little guy doesn't pay his tax? They lose his/her home and go to jail. In the UK tax is removed from a workers wages before they get them! Who are they really working for?
THIS link is a good example of corporate wankery. General Electric, for one, posted record profits and paid NO tax. The ten worst offenders are listed by Senator Sanders. He'd better watch his back, he will be on a hitlist now. How dare he suggest that corporations should pay more tax! All the usual suspects are there, Exxon and Bank of America actally got REBATES! What a cesspool we are forced to live in. The moral codes of society are being destroyed. Now, what was bad is good: what is good is squashed.
There is also the offshore corporate scam. To avoid U.S. taxes corporations use offshore subsidiary companies
As the paragraph below, from the article shows, unfair advantage can be gained by using loopholes:
"The Government Accountability Office (GAO), Congress' investigative watchdog, has found that "a majority of America's largest publicly traded companies and the U.S. government's largest federal contractors use multiple subsidiaries in offshore tax havens to conduct business and avoid paying U.S. taxes," writes Carol D. Leonnig for The Washington Post."
How can it be a free market when the richest can cheat? The corporations have all the resources: the top Lawyers they employ find the loopholes and legitimise the shell companies as well as representing the capitalist in court. Why would anybody want to give a corporation the same rights as an individual? Yet somehow they won this right. The law, is indeed at times an Ass.
Another example of a corporation demanding special treatment is provided by FIFA. The international football organisation demands tax free status wherever it sets up a competition. Nations that play football (Soccer to any Americans reading this) should tell them where to go. Why should a footballing organisation get tax free status?Why should any company?
THIS example is classic blackmail. It may be from 1999 but it is still worth studying. The company involved screwed millions in subsidies then threatens to shuts up shop when they stop. They knew that if they threatened to take jobs away politicians would worry about how it made them look.
Over here in the UK the power companies are amongst the biggest blackmailers. They just don't like the idea of going green because it will cost them money (of which they have plenty).
I would imagine that EDF are particularly worried as they are nuclear poisoners.
If there is a sneaky and underhand way to do things capitalism will find it. Take Obamacare, for example. The Presidents aim was to provide help for those who can't afford it. Unfortunately for him, he is president in a country where millions of ignorant people have been taught by the loony right, the tea party and such, that to help people in need leads to communism. What a bunch of twats! On top of this, the corporations have found ways to exploit the situation and deliver a kick in the groin to their workers. Take a look at THIS example
So that the greedy, heartless profit loving America hating capitalists can avoid contributing to Obamacare they have cut their workers hours so that they do not qualify for the bast- er, bosses contribution to the Affordable Care Act. This is diabolical behaviour of the lowest kind. It is this kind of action that makes me hate capitalism. The workers provide all the effort to create products, often in industries that leave workers exposed to conditions that are detrimental to their health. They SHOULD be provided for by the evil godless profit zombies that they make the profit for. Instead workers are treated like crap, jobs are moved to the far east to exploit workers in those countries by paying even lower wages than in the U.S. and the future is one where almost all jobs will be done by machines because they are easier to program than humans.
I have raised this point before: if nobody has any wages how are they supposed to afford consumer goods? How long can the current system go on before the number of unemployed across the realm of western capitalist countries becomes a problem that the elite have to "deal" with?
There is another example of blackmail and lies HERE
All over the world corporations try, and often succeed in controlling government actions and fleecing the taxpayer into the bargain. This blog has looked at how the system is set up for the wealthy by the wealthy, has transcended national boundaries and use their clout to blackmail governments to get what they want: big profits not to be shared with workers or the government. Next time I will round off this examination of the money making scam that is called free market capitalism by looking at the big subjects such as war for profit and price fixing.
Until next time
Love and peace to you all.
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Sunday, 4 May 2014
First of all, let me say to my small group of readers that I have not been writing recently because of Fibromyalgea. My hands have been particularly stiff and sore. Even leaving a small comment on you tube has led to hours of pain. Never mind, someone has provided me with a small amount of alternative medication and I feel much better temporarily. It is a pity that it is illegal.
Of course, you know why it won't be legalised: first there is the very rich and powerful Alcohol lobby who see it as a threat. Then there are the Pharmaceutical companies, who despite trying to extract elements of cannabis to create painkillers, they can't do it without creating side effects such as an extremely dry mouth and lethargy, as ingesting cannabis will make you very sleepy indeed. (Unless, I must add, the user has M.E. Arthritis, Fibromyalgea or other diseases of the nervous system in which case it merely treats the symptoms.) Finally there is the Tobacco lobby. Weed is most definitely a threat to them. The reason it is a threat is that unlike Tobacco it is easy to grow in any climate (possibly not the Antarctic, admittedly!.)The bottom line is that we could all grow it ourselves which means that capitalists wouldn't make much profit. There is the nub of it: profit.
The reason for a "free market" is the pursuit of profit. This means that before anything else is considered, such as fair wages and good working conditions, or respect for the environment and the flora and fauna around us the capitalist will first ensure that it makes a large profit. Not just a profit, it wants THE MAXIMUM PROFIT POSSIBLE. Please note, I have not made an error when I call the capitalist "it". To my mind the greedy and ruthless amongst us are NOT human, they are sub-human. They have lost their humanity.
So the first point in the list to show that the "free market" is bogus is choice, as shown in the second paragraph of this piece. You cannot sell just anything that you want. Governments make laws at the request of their banking cartel overlords, particularly to protect their markets. The international bankers are drug dealers. SO are the UK and US governments. This Guardian article from 2009 tells us that the banking system may have collapsed altogether in the 2008 US property investment debacle IF IT WASN'T FOR DRUG MONEY!
A little googling will take you to many such articles about the international banking eugenicists. Fair enough, you might say, banks are dodgy and they don't care where they get their money from. Surely, though, our governments don't get involved in such things? Well, actually, yes they do. Britain went to war with China between the years 1829 and 1860. These wars were known as The Opium Wars, and the war started because China banned the use of Opium, which the British had plentiful supply of as they had control of the poppy growing areas of India . Britains plan was to create a market of opium and Heroin addicts in China to supply to. Information can be found at Wikipedia or other sources such as THIS:
Even the government mouthpiece the BBC have the story. In modern times we have seen a steady increase in the production of Opium in Afghanistan since the US and Britain illegally invaded. In fact, just a year before the troops went in to quell the alleged terrorists of Al Queda (CIA) who all appear to dress up as women and children. Well they are the only dead bodies I have seen in the news (not the mainstream news, obviously, which fabricates reports.) Anyway, I digress. A year before the invasion Al Queda burned all the opium fields. They were not in keeping with the teachings of Allah. Suddenly the US/UK invade and Opium production reaches record highs (pun intended). Here is something else gob-smackily shocking for you to take in
- and for further reading:
So we have established that the Elites run a system that restricts freedom of choice whilst hypocritically making money out of drugs. Typical. That's why all the big drug dealers, the ones who supply the guys who sell on the street all invariably work for the establishment. The Opium wars example shows us that the establishment are always willing to threaten war if they don't get what they want. Hence the invasion of Afghanistan.
Moving on, and linking with the above point on choice we have our "f(r)iend" the BBC. Not only has this insidious organization been shown to be rife with pedophilia and to have done nothing about it they have also been caught out faking a news item on a chemical attack by Syrian rebels (For rebels, read : people who disagree with American/UK foreign policy). This item from You tube is an eye-opener:
more HERE and HERE
It is interesting to see HERE that the moderator of this site has removed the video and closed the topic from furthar discussion:
Be aware, my friends, that the media is doing exactly the same thing in the Ukraine. In the interest of fairness I have to declare that I have watched videos on staged media events before that show that Russia Today is as guilty as the others when it comes to staging "news" items, although CNN comes out on top ( Isn't that station owned by that three nationality illuminati supporting Rupert Murdock? Owner of the British Sun "newspaper?). Actually this guy ought to change his surname from Murdock to Mudrake. Its more accurate.
Anyway, back to the BBC and why they show us that there is not a free market. Whilst every other station has to attract advertising and sponsorship to keep running, the BBC is protected from the lows of the free market economy because every person that owns a TV, even if that person does not watch the BBC because it is a paedos paradise and is run by EU supporting liars they still have to pay £145.50 a year for a license. EVEN IF YOU DON'T HAVE A TV!!! If you have a PC, laptop or a gaming device that can get you online you still have to have a license. EFFING NAZIS! They should be made to sink or swim, like every other media company. Shove your TV license where the sun doesn't shine!
The media in general is owned by capitalists who also own companies and products that manufacture goods that their media section will endorse and promote. This give an edge over small and medium sized family run businesses which makes it easier to drive these out of business or buy them out. Our high streets nowadays have no charm or character because there are very few small, privately owned shops. We are awash in corporate world when we visit our town centres. The world I grew up in has gone completely and has been replaced by a lifeless glass and plastic environment devoid of spirit.
So to recap, as I seem to be babbling on a bit. It must be because I haven't written for a while ( is it still called writing if technically you are typing?) Anyway, Choice is determined by the rich, and in some cases restricted by them, and the media gives the same powerful groups (only FIVE companies own all the media in the US) an advatage through self promotion and state/corporate control of the media. This brings me to the next point, point number three: advertising.
Advertising in the mass media was invented by Edward Bernays, Nephew of Freud, initiator of mind control through psychiatry.Like his uncle he knew that the way to peoples wallets and purses was through their minds. His thinking is not a million miles away from social Darwinism, which is at the root of Eugenics. Basically he thought that wonderful middle class people such as himself had to herd the masses in the "right" direction. We lowly mortals are irrational and think with a "herd" mentality, according to Bernays. The people like HIM had a duty to steer society in the right way, which meant using psychoanalysis and theories of crowd behaviour and control mixed with Pavlovian stimulus/response theory to elicit desired behaviours in the "herd". One thing has to be made clear about the work of Bernays. Although he developed the use of press releases and advertising his main aim was to sell stories and products AS NEWS ITEMS . He also brought in the format of presenting an "impartial authority" to endorse products. His perverted way of thinking, putting ideas and desires in consumers heads led to the success of alcohol and cigarettes. He is responsible for cancer and liver disease. What a guy!
Advertising is based on lies and misinformation. It is all about deception because advertising seeks to create a need for something that there was previously no real desire for. Advertising sells concepts, dreams, lifestyles. You only have to watch adverts on TV to see how ridiculous they are and how far removed the image being sold is from the actual product being sold. Think of all those grandiose car adverts, designed to make you change to a new car sooner than you really need to so that you can enjoy all the lovely new features. Mobile phone ads are the same. Samsung are trying to sell us the S5 currently, I'm still paying for the S bloody 3!!! Give us a break, for goodness sake.
As well as selling us things that we don't really need and can ill afford (don't worry if you are poor. Your friend the money lender will give you credit - and seize your goods later) the system is set up for point number four: they sell us things that have a built in lifetime. There is no way a capitalist is going to sell you a washing machine that will last for twenty years. If you don't need another before then, how does it keep on selling its washing machines? Most white goods come with a 5 year warranty for a reason - that's about how long they last. And have you noticed that since the dawning of the age of electronics your electrical goods have no serviceable parts? That is designed to stop people fixing things up themselves and forcing them into buying a new one. Being anti capitalist ( the current monetarist form of it, anyway) I always try and reuse whatever I can. The system gets as little of my money as I can get away with giving.
Mass production is set up to produce goods that will fail. Another way of robbing the consumer is by making things obsolete. As a kid I bought "Dark Side of the Moon". Then the capitalist elite (music branch) decided to stop producing vinyl and replace it with cassettes. I had a copy of the aforementioned Pink Floyd album on tape, for my new Walkman. Then tape is discarded and they bring in CDs. How many times do they want you to buy the same music? No wonder people Pirate. Well, that and the fact that the goods are overpriced and few people want to pay for them. Plus nobody has a job any more. What are we supposed to use to buy with?
In closing this first part I will summarise. The capitalist decides what products are available. It uses unfair competition. It can afford to blanket advertise which puts smaller companies at a disadvantage. They own the raw materials which smaller competition relies on and they sell it to them at an inflated price to drive up their overheads. Worst of all they sell us goods that will last a short time and that have no serviceable parts.
There is loads more to uncover but already it is evident that "free" market capitalism is a lie. The market is controlled by big money as I shall outline in the next blog.
Saturday, 8 March 2014
Monsanto have a way to "round up" the herd and euthenize it. Failing that they will sue the worlds population for breathing their air.
The first article talks about Roundup in America. The second looks worldwide. Roundup contains Glyphosate, which is a weedkiller. In fact, it is one of the main chemicals used in Argentina. I mused in a recent post that South America may be Monsanto's testing ground for the world and its flagship herbicide is now being linked to various mysterious illnesses amongst children in rural Argentina.
Meanwhile on the Northern continent there are more rare infections being reported. This time connected with fish.Given the state of the Oceans nothing should surprise us really. Mind you, this is a really freaky infection. It enters the wound, the article says, through an open cut and causes lumps to develop under the skin. It then becomes a wound that will not heal. Once again I say I'm glad I am allergic to seafood! Oh, yeah, almost fogot - don't eat the meat either.Meat from uninspected diseased and unsound animals. It looks like the people at the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) didn't want to be outdone in the eugenics stakes (steaks?) by the FDA. Perhaps they thought that introducing dangerous drugs and food chemicals wasn't getting quick enough results so they have gone the whole hog (excuse the pun!) and have decided to introduce putrid meat into the food chain. Is this why states are making it illegal to film animal farming? Thats right! They are not banning cruelty to animals and unhygenic conditions they are banning letting anyone know about it.
That is just so typical. Our society IS run by Nazis!
When you are next examined by your doctor ask him before he begins when he/she last washed their Stethoscope. Did you think that you went to the doctors for treatment? Silly!
Why haven't the American people done something about the FDA? I won't go into the endless drugs and food additives that have been passed against the advice of its own advisory panel. The latest release is a super strong painkiller which, according to this article could kill in two pills.
In addition to this it appears that the drug is rife for misuse as it can be ground down and snorted (inhaled through the nose, in case there is someone out there in readerland that doesn't know). This guy seems to have noticed and puts his opinion across in this piece
Whereas we may have been indoctrinated to respect certain people based on their status I think that a lot of us are realizing that doctors are part of the problem, not the solution. Drug companies exert a lot of pressure and offer a lot of "sweeteners" to get doctors to prescribe certain drugs. Look at mental health for example. Most of the behaviours that are classed as psychological are actually antisocial or socially unacceptable behaviour. It is the elitist installed "experts" that define good mental behavior,and for that matter all behavior and decide what is "allowed" and "acceptable".
All of this goes to show that if you are white and rich that makes you a person of status. As a person of status, the representative of the inbred, racist, mysogynistic "superior" elite, who may be neither white or male, just bought into the system and deluding themselves that they are important will get together with other puppets and decide what is best for people that they see as beneath them. After all, we are all stupid and unneccessary. Surplus to requirements. Machines do our work and for the most part fight our wars so the state doesn't even need us any more for cannon fodder. The way things are going, with all these little pockets of weird infections turning up, and poisoned food and water it looks like war will not be necessary.
I just hope that the elite get it wrong and wipe themselves out. The world would certainly be a safer place.
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
On April 1st authorities in Japan will allow some residents of the Fukishima disaster zone to return home. Could they have picked a better day than April fools day? Perhaps they just decided that as these people have already had a killer dose of radiation they may as well return home to die.
It doesn't seem to bother them that the problems at the poisonous nuclear power station are far from over. In fact new problems are being found.
Problems with nuclear power stations do not stop in Japan
Why must we have these monstrous power stations forced upon us? I don't give a shit how much money can be made for a handful of capitalists, nuclear energy is not safe energy. Our eugenicist elite want nuclear stations so that they have the means to make nuclear weapons. Americans could do without their own Fukishima right now as they have enough problems. Here are some recent health stories :
There is a strange new Polio like virus doing the rounds in California. When I see the words strange new virus I always assume it is man made. I am convinced that the eugenics squad are trying little packages of viruses here and there so that they can assess the damage they do and decide which one is best for the future culling. Details can be found here.
New York has a breakout of Measles. Is Measles a danger? I remember having it as a kid and apart from itchiness I do not remember anything else about it. Having read this piece I decided that it was a scare story. Newspapers love making people panic. Another mystery can be found here
This time it is birth defects in the Washington area. Babies are being born with parts of their skull or brain missing. What with all these "mystery illnesses" it would be advisable for parents to have their children vaccinated, right? Maybe not.
So the idea here appears to be that parents take their completely healthy child along to the well child clinic and the clinic gives them the flu. It is this kind of thing that leads people to believe that there might be some kind of conspiracy where the elite scare the population to death about the chances of a killer disease getting them, in order to persuade them into getting vaccines that may kill them. Those crazy conspiracy nuts! Our elites obviously love us and want to fill us with drugs that will make us feel, er, better. You know what would make me feel better? A bigger slice of the financial pie, less cars on the road spreading cancer causing pollution and the phasing out of nuclear power. If this could be achieved it would make us all feel a lot better. Here is an example of the medical industry killing you with kindness
A patient has breast cancer. She is depressed, understandably. She is prescribed an anti depressant that causes cancer! You could not make this stuff up!
Is the Doctor performing some kind of mercy killing? Trying to finish the patient off a bit more quickly? Or is it another case of a drug getting to the market place that never should have been approved by the FDA?
Finally, for now, because all this bleak press is getting to me, here is a cheerful little ditty about how big companies fill mass produced food with poison.
We make meals from scratch in our house and will continue to do so. Although the other day my daughter read the ingredients in a packet of Wonka Nerds that she had and told me that it states there are genetically modified ingredients in the sweets. There we have it. Our elite decide that we will have GM Foods because they will control them, whats in them and what is allowed to be listed on the label. Then package it up to look attractive to kids and then they can see what GM foods do to someone given them from birth.
You are definitely not crazy if you think that these people are out to get us. They are. They will succeed if we do not stop them. Spread the word and do not let any experimental GM foods in to your diet or that of your children. Until they are proved safe they should find a social group to trial GM foods. How about the elite?
All those in favor of making the elite eat their own poison.....?
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Is there a new defense being mounted for geoengineering? Articles are appearing in the "alternative" press defending both GM foods and chem trailing. In the interest of showing both sides of the argument I will put the links on this page for people to follow.
The GM foods article claims that a lot of the opposition to GM crops is over the top and not based on the facts. Fair enough, you might say, but what about the methods that are used by Monsanto? There have been stories in the press of farmers in India being prosecuted because GM plants in other farmers fields have taken root in their fields. Now the are preparing to do this in the USA with the Supreme Courts blessing:
Farmers have been prosecuted for taking cuttings from GM plants. So the first question I would ask is why are Monsanto producing plants that won't provide seed? How do farmers make a living when they have to spend a fortune each year on new seed?
There is also the Monsanto Technology Stewardship Agreement which puts all liability on the farmer. In other words if the crops fail for whatever reason and Monsanto have made the farmer sign a contract that clears their company of any liability. So if they sell you dud seeds you have no recourse in law to seek compensation. Monsanto appear to be continuing the work of such organizations as the EU, who forever throw new quotas at farmers and force their prices down for the consumer market. They seem intent on getting rid of small family farms to allow the complete industrialization of farming. The land will all belong to corporations soon.
Whether or not the product is safe has been ignored largely because of big pharmas tactics for implementation and the fact that they agree things with governments without reference to the people that vote for the tossers in the first place. That's why mass demonstrations have been seen worldwide. Even here in the usually docile and ignorant UK campaigners have been able to challenge Monsanto.
Across the other side of the world, the UK's old enemy Argentina is feeling the full effect of allowing Monsanto in. According to this next article the consequences for the Argentinian people have been severe :
The bottom line is this: citizens of the world want to know that ALL products for human consumption have been rigorously tested before they are put on the market and they want a public debate on the subject which will give them the information that they need to make an informed decision. In the capitalist world the consumer should be king. By this I mean that if people would use their spending power as a veto and avoid all companies involved in dubious practices (Food safety, slave labor, excessive profit, pollution, etc) then perhaps these companies would change. Sadly people either don't know or don't care about these things as long as they get shiny new technology to play with and cheap ready made meals.
It is a shame that other important subjects are not given more thought from the public. GM foods seem to be the only thing that have got people mobilized. Geo engineering is a very serious subject and it is another area that has little regulation and even less data about the long term effects. Now supporters of chem trailing, the same people that have spent the last ten years or more denying that chem trailing takes place are saying it is vital to keep out solar radiation that would heat the planet. If they stop, they say, it will cause more damage than if they continue :
It doesn't help their cause when it is discovered that the CIA are investing in weather modification. Naturally, it would make a good weapon. .... and they don't want mavericks
Supporters of terra forming, oops! I meant to say Geo engineering, are preparing for a mass mind f**k of the population via the mass media.
Having denied that they were conducting planet altering experiments for decades the eugenicists are now coming clean. Now we are expected to believe that they can't stop what they are doing or it will make things worse. WORSE? What? Worse than what the polar vortex has done to the USA? Worse than the flooding that Europe is enduring at present? Worse than the typhoon that hit the Phillipines? You may wonder how all these events occured. Simple. Years of using HAARP and spraying heavy metals and chemicals high in the atmosphere has disrupted the natural flow of the jet stream. The jet stream controls the wind patterns for the entire world.
Are you proud to be British? Sometimes I'm not. If anyone is going to destroy this planet it will be us. We are all familiar with stories about Krakatoa, how it erupted and blocked out the sun for weeks, yes? Apparently this next lot of idiot scientists either don't know what volcanic eruptions can do or just don't care.
So not content with cloud seeding and chem trailing we now want to provoke volcanoes to erupt. I thought that Scientists were the clever people? Then how come they are always working on ways to destroy the planet? What happens when you agitate a volcano is as stupid a question as what happens when you put your hand in a flame. YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO IT TO KNOW THAT IT IS BLOODY STUPID!
The campaign against fossil fuels by Nuclear power supporters and politicians that was successful in the 1980s and 1990s may have been counter productive. It seems that the sulpher created from coal burning may slow climate change.
Of course, the death of the coal mining industry was not purely because of carbon emissions. Miners were, historically, the best organized workers, particularly in the UK. It was Evil Thatchers plan all along to close mines to lessen political opposition. It was about destroying working class morale. Mission accomplished. Like I said in a previous blog there was little said about pollution or "global warming" when all the industry was in the west. Capitalists moved heavy industry to the far east and when they realized the expansion of the eastern economies threatened their stranglehold on the world they had to make up scare stories to limit the industrial growth of countries like China and India.
Just look at what is happening in California at the moment. They are experiencing their worst drought ever. This should worry everyone, not just Americans as California is a major grower of fruit and vegetables. We could see both food shortages and the inevitable price increase that would accompany shortage. If we check back to a year ago what was being done in this area? Chem trailing, that's what!
Some people think these are clouds, some think it is Contrails - some people are complete imbeciles! |
The link above is to an article written in June 2013. A clear connection can be seen between the chemical spraying and the drought. You have to ask "Is the drought being engineered deliberately?" Maybe it was or perhaps the opposite result was envisaged. The poisoners may have thought that intensive spraying would bring more rain and higher crop yields. Who will gain if food is in short supply? Whoever has the remaining food. I am not a prepper but I do think it is a good idea to keep a stock of staple foods and water for short term emergencies. Its one way to beat inflation if nothing else. So what does the spraying do? In theory it reflects some of the suns rays back out in to space allowing the world to cool a little. Global warming is given as the cause. You naughty motorists (I do not drive) are blamed and must be taxed. The companies that build your cars and provide your oil will continue to pollute the world but as long as they provide hybrid cars everything will be alright. Oh, and they won't be taxed.
An average sky these days - this could be anywhere. |
One thing is for certain: the entire solar system is warming. In response, apparently, the elite have authorized the chem trails (done from unidentifiable planes with no markings) which they think will keep the planet cooler. Some scientists think that this is due to changes in or on the sun :
If you read the above, however you will notice that the journalist reverts to promoting the global warming message. I quote:
"While evidence suggests fluctuations in solar activity can affect climate on Earth, and that it has done so in the past, the majority of climate scientists and astrophysicists agree that the sun is not to blame for the current and historically sudden uptick in global temperatures on Earth, which seems to be mostly a mess created by our own species."
I am sure that none of us deny that we have done our planet no favors but neither should we deny that something is going on in the solar system. Of course, you cannot tax the Sun, but you can tax motorists for polluting the air using the only fuel made available to them by the oil and motor industries. Not all science journals support global warming however. Here is one that argues in favor of solar changes .
Yet others point out that if the sun is responsible for warming up Pluto it would be scorching us -bringing us back to global warming, as according to this article all the many temperature changes in our solar system on various planets and moons have individual reasons. Something tells me this guy may be paid to produce disinformation. Does he not think it a bit of a coincidence that all these different planets and moons are affected by different causes simultaneously? Is anyone in the astronomy community looking for what all the warming places have in common in comparison to the other areas that are not warming? In fact there is. The solar system could be entering an interstellar cloud.
The above is quite heavy going if you don't have a decent knowledge of science. It does, however offer another view as to what is causing rising temperatures here on earth. There is also the tiny matter of the earths magnetic field. Our shield against cosmic radiation is weakening :
Our magnetic field |
The last link is from NASA - so it must be true! The question is this : Has global warming been invented to hide changes on earth that are either man made through weather modification or a change in the solar system that scientists do not yet understand? It could be both. Weather modification trials have disrupted natural phenomena such as El Nino and the Jet Stream. In the same time frame scientists have noticed a rise in the background temperature of the solar system. Not wishing to feed the "end of the world" brigade or worry people unduly they deploy the ol' magicians sleight of hand. While they spray the sky to keep out space radiation they blame people on earth for causing it. The right hand works on chemical spraying while the audience fixate on the global warming in the left. The mass media is the magician, the master of deception.
The earth could be going through a pole reversal |
Whatever the truth is it pails in to insignificance when compared to what Fukishima has done to the pacific ocean and more. Whole species wiped out, pacific fish not fit to eat, Japanese children getting thyroid cancer. In my lifetime the following nuclear disasters have occurred : Winscale (now Sellafield), Three mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukishima. Add to these the hundreds of A bomb and H bomb tests, many of which were on pacific isles, and you can see that we are breathing in toxic air. That's without considering the pollution we also breathe in from our industry and our traffic.
It really is time for people to look at how they are living. They should ask themselves why they do the things that they do rather than the things that they want to do. If things are as bad as they seem it is time to start enjoying life before it is too late. It is time to think hard about what kind of companies you give your money to and what their politicians should be doing for them.
It really is time to halt "progress".
Saturday, 15 February 2014
For the last few years more and more animals have been dying in great numbers. The biggest and most obvious cause is the Fukishima disaster but recent admissions by the US Navy show that they have been working on a sonic weapon which could be adding to the number. Here are some recent examples.
In Singapore 160 tons of fish found dead along the coast. The representatives of the elites, this time being The Agri Food and Vetinary Authority blame everything from low oxygen in the water, the weather, and Plankton. It is Fish farms that are being affected and various different species. No mention of radioactivity in the Ocean.
More dead fish were found not so far away in Indonesian waters, this time industrial pollution is the cause. Palm Oil waste washes in to local rivers. The elites puppets in this instance were the environment agency BLH. You have to battle with google earth to get the gist of this.
Man is always willing to help nature with a culling. In Vietnam thousands of birds are being destroyed as part of a campaign against Avian flu that is no doubt meant to keep people scared. Not to mention hungry. There won't be much left to eat soon will there? What with crops destroyed by weather events, fish being poisoned with radioactivity and Fowl killed because of avian flu and cattle destroyed because of foot and mouth.
Similar events have recently taken place in China. So far the Avian flu is staying in the far east and has not exploded into epidemic status as the WHO and others have been touting. Still, while there are scientists tinkering with H9 N7 trying to make it communicable to humans there is hope for the eugenicists.
These events happen all over the world. In the Atlantic ocean it is birds that are washing ashore dead. The elite mouthpiece this time was The League For The Protection Of Birds. Again, as with the fish there were various species of bird, although 50% were Puffins. The LPO blamed storms, pollution and discharges, as some of the birds had oil on them.
If your brain can make sense of the google translate of this piece it is quite interesting. Apparently local fishermen have noticed oil cakes washing ashore. They don't know where they are from but think that they are the result of degassing in the petroleum industry.
Nearby in Spain millions of Bees are dying. The Bee die off has been well publicized even on the mainstream media. Whatever is happening in Spain is affecting hundreds of farms. A spokesperson for the local Bee keeping association said that the likely cause was indiscriminate use of pesticides. This, coupled by current weather conditions depriving the Bees of wild flowers and is leaving them no option but to go to the heavily pest controlled fruit groves.
Here in the UK dead birds are also washing up. The most recent event coincided with the event in France and also featured many different types of bird some of which were covered in oil. Storms were also a factor. The storms that have been seen all over Europe are the worst in living history, and many parts of France and the UK are flooded. It is because of events like this that I hate greedy, filthy polluting capitalists. Weather modification is being used to destroy crops and create food shortages which will inflate prices. Even if the current world weather wasn't deliberately produced it is certainly the result of human interference with the planets cooling and water distribution cycles.
There is one common thread in all of these stories : unusual local weather conditions. The weather events that we are all experiencing now are not a natural phenomena. Not completely anyway because I believe that the butterfly effect is very real and mankinds messing with the weather has knocked out natural patterns like El Nino and the Jet Stream. Using HAARP to punch a hole in the stratosphere is bound to have an effect on every layer of our atmosphere that it passes through. It can also bounce radio and microwaves off the stratosphere and aim the concentrated beam at a target back on earth. Then we have the chem trailers messing up the sky with aerosols that can absorb the moisture out of the air. Cloud seeding has been going on for decades in many countries to assist crop growth. The opposite can be done here and more clouds can be created. No wonder we hardly see the sun these days.
I will avoid old cliches about playing god but I do think that the unbridled enthusiasm and compulsions of scientists will end up killing us all. Big Pharma has been making people ill in order to sell them cures. Pharmaceutical companies are a big part of the petro-chemical industry, which in itself is a part of the military industrial complex. They do not care what they destroy in the pursuit of profit. Lets face it, if they don't care if we live or die why should they care about animals? All life forms are expendable to these creatures that call themselves human.
In my eyes they are subhuman.
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
If there is one thing that I love to read about it is news of people standing up to their elites. The Bosnian populace are doing this at the moment. What is particularly heart warming is the coming together of different ethnic groups: groups that were bitter enemies twenty years ago. As the article (link below) says, the Bosnian people have realized that their biggest enemy is the elite. I wish that people here would wake up to this fact and take control of their lives.
The eastern Europeans are obviously made of sterner stuff that us softies in the west. Not so long ago Poland stood up to Monsanto and kicked them out of the country. At present the people of the Ukraine are showing their disgust for the elites and the western bankers that are trying to plunge them into debt just like they do everywhere else. I hope that all these people win their fight because it will be further damage to the aims of the new world order.
Take note, Americans, your elites are continuing their campaign of terror against you. Well, against those of you on foreign soil that they suspect of having drank coffee in the same cafe as a known enemy of the USA (that list must be growing). It is just one step closer to drones gunning down targets at home. Is it just me or is killing someone from a remote distance a very cowardly act? There is talk of a "Kill list" - as if every government doesn't already have one of those.
The law is whatever they say it is. That statement sums up the true nature of "democracy". They are even taking remote controlled killing to the next level and working toward taking people out of the process altogether:
Don't buy a second hand phone - you may be shot by a drone - or a sniper. The elites are keeping their options open by purchasing ammo for sniper rifles. It is the infamous Department of Homeland Security that are buying them. Doubtless you know that last year they purchased a lot of guns and ammunition as well as plastic coffins. Speaking as a Brit I have to say with sincere worry that any day now I will log on to the net and find all US sites blocked and a news blackout. I have said it before and I'll say it again : I really feel for US citizens. So many shady things are going on over there.
I found this scary video via HyperReport on youtube. Nothing is safe from the state, especially not your money. Our western governments have agreed to a deal with their overlords the international banking cartel to let banks take depositors money and call it their own. No more bail outs for future banking crises (I note here that they are expecting more trouble ahead) from now on it will be bail ins. This allows the government to seize a banks assets should it default and that means the depositors and savers lose everything.
Mind you, at the moment none of us have anything for them to take. I have no savings and basically live from week to week. The losers here will be the middle class, which is fitting in a way. They generally commit themselves to the values of the elites and play the profit game. They should remember that the house always wins.
Big Brother really does dream of controlling everything. This next link shows how far they want to go. The article begins with a quote from Eric(h) Schmitd the google CEO, which I suppose makes him sort of spy master general. In the near future if people of this ilk get their way none of us will be able to escape being tracked 24 hours a day :
When you read the plans of the NWO, including the documents on depopulation which are in the public domain you realize that the beautiful future that they describe, with no need to work as machines will do everything, technological implants to enhance strength and a plentiful supply of food grown on lands that will be freed through a pandemic or another nuclear "accident" you realize that this future will not include us or our children. They don't need us. As for ending world hunger, easy. Kill everyone in starving regions. Now there is plenty of land to grow food on and no political dissent. No more need for oil so they will roll out the clean, free energy sources that they already know about and are keeping from us. Utopia for the 1% and slavery for those they keep alive, assuming that they haven't mastered cloning. If they have they have no need to keep anyone alive.
The biggest concern at the moment to the elites is the faltering economy. If there are to be no jobs then they will have to do something with the unemployed. It is most certainly the reason that the elites are pushing abortion and birth control. The population has to be kept down. They can't control too many people at once. Their wealth goes beyond money. They own everything. That probably includes a cure for whatever virus is going to accidentally leak from a lab, probably when they have perfected the cross over viruses (from animal to human). That way they have an excuse to kill off the food supply as well.
The future utopia will be built on the mass grave of people that have outlived their use. At least that was the idea. Since the world spoke out about invading Syria the NWO have been stalled on a number of fronts, including the rejection of Monsanto in many countries and the NSA debacle as well as in the examples at the start of this blog. Evil is being exposed everywhere, which is all good for the rest of us.
Saturday, 8 February 2014
About a year ago there was a story circulating about a farmer in the US who was arrested for cattle rustling after being monitored by a drone. He is now the first person to be convicted of a crime using evidence gathered by one. Will this become more common? Now that it has been allowed in to evidence, will this prove to be the thin end of the wedge? It is obvious that a country the size of the United states needs help with data collection because of the manpower needed and also the size and scope of different terrain and urban areas that they have to engage in. It also doesn't help the cause of the police that they live in a country that allows people to have guns. Drones, therefore, from a law enforcement perspective make perfect sense. They can be deployed in areas that could be dangerous for operatives to enter without intel. A drone can give live intel which could be both life saving and crucial.
What are the dangers? First, and already well documented is the concern over the surveillance of average people. Is this a safeguard for the public, or a way to gather information about them? It is, as they say, a double edged sword. What worries me, as someone that hates capitalism is the readiness of the state to work with the consumer giants and internet browsers to build up a dossier of our spending habits, where we go on the net, where we go when we leave our home, who we socialize with, what your opinions are and so on. They don't know any of us, nor have they spoken to us or spent time with us on a one to one basis. Naturally, then, they get a one dimension image of people. So if they are gathering data about a crime as it happening, fair enough. If they are profiling us all, not good.
An even bigger concern is death. We all know what the cowardly US forces have been using drones for in Pakistan and the Yemen. We also know that they have killed innocent people by mistake. Lets face it, even if they get the right targets, by which I mean the terrorists that they themselves trained that are now expendable or have gone rogue they still have no right to cross national borders uninvited to carry out their own agenda.
Drones are being improved and deployed everywhere. Now that one has successfully been deployed in the states the police will justify the use of armed drones. What then? Will they start taking out citizens with the wrong sort of profile? Big Brother just continues to get bigger every day.
So from one attempt at monitoring our freedom (lol) to attempts to blame us for the state of the worlds weather.
The next link shows more proof that global warming is bogus. What we are actually experiencing is part of a natural cycle.
Anyone with a modicum of common sense (as my dad used to say) will have worked out a long time ago that we are not responsible for the changes in weather. If there are man made reasons, which there are, they are nothing to do with the 99%. We don't own or want Nuclear power stations, we do not want fracking, we don't want oil exploration destroying our environment or oil products polluting our air and causing cancer. We don't want weather modification or chem trailing. Clean up your own act 1%ers!
Here are some photos of the worlds crazy weather from Please note that there are not many examples of warming.
Staying with Climate News, if you need to brush up on or learn what Chem-trails are they provide a decent introduction here.
Chem trails are only part of the geo-engineering agenda. Alarming (or well faked) videos are surfacing on Youtube of snow in Georgia that will not melt when a flame is put on it. See here:
So whats going on? If this stuff doesn't melt is it going to sit there forever? People are reporting chemical smells from the snow. Could it be pollution? Is it heavy metal snow? One guy thinks that it is Nanobots which will bury themselves in to the ground. Really? How cheap are they?Can the government/scientists/military/illuminati, whoever, afford to drop billions of Nanobots on the populace? Stupid stories like this are made to deceive and confuse. What we have is a situation where extreme weather is affecting a whole continent. It is important to find out if an organization is behind it or if it is a natural phenomenon. Lets leave the science fiction aside for now.
If this is artificial snow then someone has an interest in bringing the USA to a standstill. Why? Is it an attempt to depopulate by picking off the old, frail and very young as well as isolating people in their own homes and destroying supply lines. Is it a way to stop dissent? Do they want the whole spectrum of social interaction to slow to the speed of economic recovery? Perhaps they will keep everybody housebound until they figure out what to do about the budget, or who to go to war with so that they can steal some gold and cash.
Whatever the reason, or cause, I find it hard to say that our elites, who are pushing global warming are behind this. Unless of course, they speak with forked tongue. That is the biggest problem for those who look for the truth : recognizing it. How much cooperation is there between politicians, corporate CEOs, religious leaders and the military and how much conflict? Most of the alternative press see only one large organization called the New World Order that is working towards total control of the worlds resources and populace. I think that this is an oversimplified view . For one thing, who are they trying to take control from? There are various powerful NGOs and pressure groups that are trying to extrapolate their plans for the future on to the stagnating societies that we live in. They do not all want the same thing and do not all cooperate. I am working on a piece that explains my take on the current power struggle but I have been writing it for ages and if I don't finish soon I won't get it published before they define opinions like mine as dangerous.
I don't think it will be long now before certain subjects are censored on the internet under order of the government. We will all end up with the Chinese version of the internet, where you even have to be careful what you joke about.
The elite want to shut people up more than any other objective they have at the moment. That's why they invented social media outlets, to fill with agents who's job it is to steer the debate and marginalize free thinkers.
Democracy has never really existed but freedom of speech does. It would be a tragedy to lose it.
What are the dangers? First, and already well documented is the concern over the surveillance of average people. Is this a safeguard for the public, or a way to gather information about them? It is, as they say, a double edged sword. What worries me, as someone that hates capitalism is the readiness of the state to work with the consumer giants and internet browsers to build up a dossier of our spending habits, where we go on the net, where we go when we leave our home, who we socialize with, what your opinions are and so on. They don't know any of us, nor have they spoken to us or spent time with us on a one to one basis. Naturally, then, they get a one dimension image of people. So if they are gathering data about a crime as it happening, fair enough. If they are profiling us all, not good.
An even bigger concern is death. We all know what the cowardly US forces have been using drones for in Pakistan and the Yemen. We also know that they have killed innocent people by mistake. Lets face it, even if they get the right targets, by which I mean the terrorists that they themselves trained that are now expendable or have gone rogue they still have no right to cross national borders uninvited to carry out their own agenda.
Drones are being improved and deployed everywhere. Now that one has successfully been deployed in the states the police will justify the use of armed drones. What then? Will they start taking out citizens with the wrong sort of profile? Big Brother just continues to get bigger every day.
So from one attempt at monitoring our freedom (lol) to attempts to blame us for the state of the worlds weather.
The next link shows more proof that global warming is bogus. What we are actually experiencing is part of a natural cycle.
Anyone with a modicum of common sense (as my dad used to say) will have worked out a long time ago that we are not responsible for the changes in weather. If there are man made reasons, which there are, they are nothing to do with the 99%. We don't own or want Nuclear power stations, we do not want fracking, we don't want oil exploration destroying our environment or oil products polluting our air and causing cancer. We don't want weather modification or chem trailing. Clean up your own act 1%ers!
Here are some photos of the worlds crazy weather from Please note that there are not many examples of warming.
Staying with Climate News, if you need to brush up on or learn what Chem-trails are they provide a decent introduction here.
Chem trails are only part of the geo-engineering agenda. Alarming (or well faked) videos are surfacing on Youtube of snow in Georgia that will not melt when a flame is put on it. See here:
So whats going on? If this stuff doesn't melt is it going to sit there forever? People are reporting chemical smells from the snow. Could it be pollution? Is it heavy metal snow? One guy thinks that it is Nanobots which will bury themselves in to the ground. Really? How cheap are they?Can the government/scientists/military/illuminati, whoever, afford to drop billions of Nanobots on the populace? Stupid stories like this are made to deceive and confuse. What we have is a situation where extreme weather is affecting a whole continent. It is important to find out if an organization is behind it or if it is a natural phenomenon. Lets leave the science fiction aside for now.
If this is artificial snow then someone has an interest in bringing the USA to a standstill. Why? Is it an attempt to depopulate by picking off the old, frail and very young as well as isolating people in their own homes and destroying supply lines. Is it a way to stop dissent? Do they want the whole spectrum of social interaction to slow to the speed of economic recovery? Perhaps they will keep everybody housebound until they figure out what to do about the budget, or who to go to war with so that they can steal some gold and cash.
Whatever the reason, or cause, I find it hard to say that our elites, who are pushing global warming are behind this. Unless of course, they speak with forked tongue. That is the biggest problem for those who look for the truth : recognizing it. How much cooperation is there between politicians, corporate CEOs, religious leaders and the military and how much conflict? Most of the alternative press see only one large organization called the New World Order that is working towards total control of the worlds resources and populace. I think that this is an oversimplified view . For one thing, who are they trying to take control from? There are various powerful NGOs and pressure groups that are trying to extrapolate their plans for the future on to the stagnating societies that we live in. They do not all want the same thing and do not all cooperate. I am working on a piece that explains my take on the current power struggle but I have been writing it for ages and if I don't finish soon I won't get it published before they define opinions like mine as dangerous.
I don't think it will be long now before certain subjects are censored on the internet under order of the government. We will all end up with the Chinese version of the internet, where you even have to be careful what you joke about.
The elite want to shut people up more than any other objective they have at the moment. That's why they invented social media outlets, to fill with agents who's job it is to steer the debate and marginalize free thinkers.
Democracy has never really existed but freedom of speech does. It would be a tragedy to lose it.
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
Assisted suicide is a very emotive subject. As with abortion the opposing supporters hold strong views. It basically comes down to this: who has sovereignty over their own body? If you are dying is it up to you to say "enough is enough" and choose to end your life? Do you have that right if you are a parent with loved ones that need you?
The biggest obstacle to this becoming legal is determining if someone is in their right mind (a social construct if ever there was one). If you have been told that you have a terminal illness by a doctor or specialist, apart from feeling shocked it must also affect the way that you think for the rest of your life. How can it not? What if family members with their eye on an inheritance persuade, trick or bully a person into opting for suicide? A law like this would be impossible to police. How would the authority in charge know that the dying person came to the decision to end their life with no pressure, threat or force?
The idea of a living will has been suggested by some. This is a document drawn up by a person before they are ill, which would put down ahead of time conditions that the individual would not like to live under. For example, someone who may well get a hereditary disease could write a legal disclaimer that once they reached a certain level of pain or degeneration they no longer wish to live. The snag here is that it would still end up in a legal debate as to whether a person that knows they may get a certain condition is in their right mind to make such a decision as their thought processes must be predisposed to think the worst because they are living in fear.
Anyway, the state wants to decide when we die. We are, after all wage slaves with a duty and obligation to work all of our lives to make other people rich. Also the state (by which I mean the government and the elites that tell governments what to do) is two faced and sneaky. Their aim is to appear to act in your best interests while plotting to prevent us reproducing offspring and poisoning us to death through pollution, food additives, vaccinations and weather manipulation. Nobody dies until the state says they can. Here's the link that started my rambling:
On the subject of poison here's an article about controlled death:
Line up for your poison. As I mentioned a few weeks ago they keep telling us there is a massive flu pandemic. Every winter for years now, but it hasn't appeared. This makes me wonder, if they are so worried about us getting the flu, why do they keep messing about with viruses in labs? Why do they want animal viruses to cross over to people? One day they will succeed and then the mass cull will begin. Take this next link, for example. The Council on Foreign Relations ( a non government organization whose members include ex- politicians, current politicians, military personnel and of course representation from wall street and the federal reserve) has weighed in to the argument about vaccinations, ridiculing any findings about the dangers of these poisons. They have even created a bogus map showing that there are areas of outbreaks of viruses in areas that have been against vaccinations.
We are all going to be treated as idiots if we wont vaccinate. I have a degenerative disease which hits my immunity system. Every year for the past five years at least my Doctors surgery has phoned me asking me to go in for a 'flu shot. I don't go because I know that viruses constantly mutate, so getting injected with a previous strain is not going to help me. Most of the people I know who have had the injection are ill for days afterwards. But one nurse (snotty cow!) at my surgery was suggesting that by not getting the jab I was putting my own health at risk. This made me wonder when they will make it a condition of receiving medical assistance based on the patients cooperation with vaccinations. I also get the princely sum of £50 a week disability benefit. What if they decide to withhold that if I won't get poisoned? We have less and less freedom of choice and I believe that this is the way that they will try and force cooperation with their eugenics plans.
If you are reading this and you are young and sexually active I feel that I have to warn you about a killer STD. The hysteria around this one is that it is potentially a bigger killer that AIDS.
....well, I'm glad I'm old and past it.
Now for some sensationalism at its best. Are you planning a family in the near future? Apparently there are plans to have your baby microchipped. If true, this really is the end of freedom.
I read this and followed the link to the original piece and have to say that there is not one fact or any evidence to be found in them. I'm not saying that this is impossible to do, of course it is possible, and could well be done in conjunction with vaccinations. What I am saying is give me some facts. All the same the rest of the article is interesting, giving examples of groups within the population that have already been targeted. Make up your own mind, though. So much of this stuff is put out as disinformation to make it more difficult to find the truth.
Here's some truth for you. Your government kills and then lies about it. Here is some more evidence of the dangers of vaccines:
So they don't harm sales of this years poison they hide the number of fetal deaths caused by last years.
Add to all these worrying stories the news that FEMA is making huge purchases again. As you may know they bought vast quantities of ammunition and temporary coffins last year, this year they are gearing up for a pandemic. Again.
Its funny, I started off this piece writing about assisted suicide and by the time I get to the end I can only conclude that there is no need for it given that so many scientists and government agencies are working so hard to kill us. One of these days, either by forced vaccinations put in place as a result of a false flag pandemic or through the accidental release of a virus from a lab we will all end up poisoned. Oh, and lets not forget what the Fukishima disaster is already doing to the world.
Signing off now. I'll be back soon to cheer you up some more!.
Sunday, 26 January 2014
I had a break from writing for a couple of days because I have had arthritic fingers and wrists. I could have done with a robot to type for me. I say this because I found this little ditty about Robots..
Wow! Just when I thought that the news couldn't get any more crazy I came across this piece on Activist Post:
Robots to breed with themselves and humans by 2045. I must admit I was alarmed that this was to occur at 2045 because I first read it at half past seven! However, once it had turned a quarter to eight and no shagging robots had accosted me I calmed down. So what does this incredible expose tell us? Well it begins by citing Ray Kurzweil, who believes in something called the singularity. This is not the same as the one at the start of the universe, this singularity refers to a point in the future when humankind and electronics will merge, essentially creating a new species.
The article goes on to say that 2045 will be when robots take all human jobs. Cybernetic "experts" (none are named) claim that by 2045 we would have an era of cyborgs. I hope you are ready for this people? Things are moving apace. Apparently research is being done with cyborgs on a sociological level, teaching them how to interact,etc. They are getting their own wikipedia to exchange ideas and learn. Cyber geeks (probably without girlfriends) predict an evolutionary machine that can learn and self replicate.
I'll quote the next bit, else you might think I'm making this up:
"With the rapid advances made in the realm of 3D printing, they would likely begin by printing out their progeny, or perhaps would breed at the molecular level through their silicon and carbon make-up. Others experts such as Professor Noel Sharkey from England's Sheffield University point to the same concept as the "Wikipedia for Robots" - through a simple software swap, new intelligence could be created, as well as the likelihood of other upgrades like virus protection. Incidentally, the organic component of this is also being researched by geneticists as downloadable DNA via our own human Internet."
They might print copies of themselves or breed at the molecular level. I presume that they are going to have silicon children then. Downloadable virus protection, though, now theres a concept! I wonder if it will cover the flu and sexual disieses? Come to think of it, would new sexual disieses come in to being? Or allergies to Robot lubricants?The writer, Nicholas West, then points out the extent that technology has invaded our lives and how we can't live without it. He implies that we have a "love" for machines that could develop. I don't know about this Nick guy, I mean I love my computer but I don't want to have sex with it. Anyway, to continue, these robots are infiltrating society. They are already employed in the "Care" profession (a misnomer if ever there was one). There is a list of jobs, citing sources for you to check at the above link. Amongst the jobs these robots do (bloody Robots, coming over here, stealing our jobs, shaggin' our women... I can hear it now!) are Butling (er, if thats what the act of being a butler is), waiters, nurses, pet walkers and teaching. Teaching? Isn't that already run by programmed Robots?
Apparently there is research to say that we are predisposed to fondness for Robots and would like one as a friend. Mr West points out our love of Sci-fi and goes on to illustrate some practical uses for robots:
"Robots won't merely attenuate the need for human intimacy and thus the use of love for instrumental purposes. They also seem to have attractions as companions in their own right. So far the most sophisticated social robots are those developed to ease the loneliness of the elderly . . .
Really? I'm 54 now. I wonder if I'll be able to get myself a cyborg on the NHS by retirement age? It would be good if they were like the ones in Futurama - "I'll have a lucy liu robot in a kinky Nurses outfit please!"
Hang on - I shouldn't make fun, because the Mail online has something to say about it and if the papers believe it, then it must be true! A professor called Kevin Warwick told the Mail:
" ‘just about anything is possible’ and . . . there are already robots with biological brains that mix biological and technological parts.
‘This is not science fiction,’ he said.
He believes that robots capable of breeding with each other could be produced using current research and technologies but it will likely take 20 to 30 years
before they could be used on Earth – and there are questions to be asked about whether this is a good idea."
It turns out that the mail online is cited as the main source for this piece, which explains a lot. I can't help- wondering if there ARE people that believe all this.
If it does happen I see nothing but problems. For a start, what if your partner had an affair with a Robot. Seriously, how are any of us supposed to compete with that? If a woman is having sex with a robot her husband won't get a look in. What if they come (ahem!) with a speed switch at the top of their ass? She may never get out of bed again! (Unless, of course, her lover is battery operated.) Looking on the bright side though, if her Robot got stuck (as so often sex toys do - so I've been told) the Robot will be able to walk her down to casualty. You can just imagine some poor woman lying there bemoaning the fact that she paid extra for a self lubricating model. Blimey, we'd better make sure Toyota dont make any, we wouldn't want an epidemic of Robots being stuck on full speed. The emergency services wouldn't be able to cope.
When I finished reading I checked the date - no, it's not April 1st. I was left with a few questions, like Why? Why print this waste product and why would we want to EVER mate with machines? A Dildo or a cock ring is one thing but a whole bloody person sized machine? How does a horny teenager hide one of those from their parents? Particularly if their parents have them too. What if it keeps stopping half way through tasks because of "pop up" adverts? Could they pass their computer viruses on to their human? Would they end up going to bed early after a few years complaining of having a synthetic headache, Or that they are feeling "a bit run down?
And most important of all, who is running things in the future if all the people and machines are having sex all day?
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
I thought that I'd provide some balance to my blogging following on from the last one by looking at some news stories that are genuinely concerning rather than hysterical. The first link gives cause for concern. I saw a David Attenborough documentary a few years ago about Sardines. It followed their journey across the world and showed what an important part of the food chain they are, being vital to the survival of many species.
An important part of the food chain is disappearing.It follows that if the Sardines dwindle in number so will all the other creatures in the food chain. The poor old fish population is getting it every which way at the moment :
.....I can't help but ask - are the frozen seas a sign of global warming?
In warmer climes the oyster is in trouble.
This could have serious consequences. If this isn't sorted out quickly they may have to delay the shooting of the next Masterchef Australia and My Kitchen Rules Series'. They'd be buggered without their sea food.
On the subject of food I was angered to read that Warburtons and Jordan are using cereal that contains Glyphosate - a GM agent. Well I tell you what you poisoning tossers, you have cost yourself a customer, and I hope that others feel the same way.
The NWO is hotting up a pace :
The plan is : 1. A United states of Europe. 2. Open borders and shared laws between the USA, Canada and Mexico. 3. An Asian Bloc with China at the head. From there it will be easy to merge the three under a world government. To be honest, when I was a kid, watching Thunderbirds and Joe 90 I used to think we would have that by the year 2000. Sadly for the NWO we all grew up and not enough of us were brainwashed enough by TV. That's the weak link in the mass media onslaught: there are always plenty of people that do not get affected. Whatever it is with the frequency of broadcast it does not captivate everybody. Luckily, society has plenty of people like myself who question everything and take nothing at face value. Other methods are needed. That's why Bush started the war on terrrr. But, alas that has convinced very few people. We are just not playing the game which must be very frustrating for the PTB (powers that be) I mean, what is the point of these people funding terrorism all around the world if we don't start begging to be protected? The war on terror hasn't caught the collective imagination, just like the war on drugs never. We love a pantomime here in Britain and we know a farce when we see one.
What are your children doing at their pc right now? This is creepy and scary
I tried to follow this link for more details but got a "site error" message. Creepy is not a strong enough word for this. It is because of people like these that I regularly check what my daughter is doing online and who she is talking to. I even check her pc when she is at school. Yes, I'm aware that this is somewhat "Big Daddy" - ish but I want to know for sure that she is safe from predators.
Before we get the truth out of the government we get years, decades of denial. Then slowly information leaks out in to the mainstream. Such is the case of weather modification. It makes you think again about the causes of the current horrific weather in the USA, Europe, in fact around the globe.HAARP and Chem trails are now openly acknowledged. There are even websites for viewers to find out very little of what they are up to. HAARP and chemtrails have put the weather system out of balance. Instead of making things worse, why don't they come clean and admit that global warming is a smokescreen and tell us what is really going on in the ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM?
Now for the downright creepy (again. There's a lot of it about). This is what we weird truth seeker types have been trying to point out. Our reality is constructed for us.
This extremely informative set of videos shows just how much of so called reality TV is fake. The people are no more than characters played by actors. These actors also turn up in news items as witnesses or victims. There are other videos online that show witnesses from 9/11 also playing witnesses at the Boston bombing. I think that thew three part video at the above link tells you all you need to know, though. They will take up almost three hours to watch but once watched you will have a far better idea of how the media lies to us on many different levels.
After all the NSA revelations which have led to an international backlash against the US a new survey shows they have contributed very little in dealing with domestic terrorism. There are two reasons for this, I'd venture: 1. If terrorist cells stay off the grid they won't get caught. 2. As it has now transpired that the CIA, the US military and British and French secret services (amongst others) trained most of those that are active in international terrorism it stands to reason that they wouldn't be spying on them.
Ladies (and gentlemen that like to wear make up), would you like to look your best while you are slowly being poisoned? Try these products:
the following toxins are in these lip products:
Cadmium (known carcinogen)
Chromium (known carcinogen)
Titanium (recently classified as a carcinogen)
Aluminum (likely carcinogenic)
Lead (likely carcinogenic)
Nickel (likely carcinogenic) (table from the above item)
In a quicker attempt to kill its citizens a more radical approach was taken in Virginia
People poisoned and left without water. Is anywhere safe? That's a rhetorical question. This seems like a good place to stop. It seems that even if you ignore all the hysteria and nonsense online there is still a lot to be worried about.
Sleep tight!
Monday, 13 January 2014
While I was checking the news the other day I decided to search for the most hysterical panic story that I could find. They are everywhere in the alternative media. The internet allows everyone a voice, even those with nothing constructive to say. Who writes these stories? The people invariably hide behind a false name and write things hoping for hysteria and panic in society to follow. Here are a few examples :
contender #1 :
Before its news. They really ought to rename themselves. Something like This is never going to be news. Americans around the world are going to be micro chipped, they say. According to other news on this site, it would be a waste of money to microchip people as the population is dying of radiation poisoning, from eating GM foods or being frozen to death. Also, as if that wasn't enough the radiation levels are increasing on the east coast as well as the west.
Frogs sitting in the water waiting to boil, eh? This guys a poet and he didn't know it.
But WAIT! There's more. Plans, I repeat plans to create a total melt down at Fukishima.
What an article this is! A hysterical first paragraph begins by telling us to be prepared for anything. This piece is written by someone calling themselves "Due Dilligance" They follow this up by telling us that whereas previous end times prophesies have been rubbish (we had noticed) this is the real thing. Buckle up people! We are in the end of days. I thought it had been getting dark recently...
I love the bit that says:
"If you are scoffing at the warnings, guess what? You are fulfilling prophecy and you are only hurting yourself and any of those who may be listening to you. Check it out, I’m not putting you on..."
Due then goes on to give us a couple of quotes from the new testament . You know, the collection of stories that Christians believe as "fact" because they have their own word for fact, which is "faith". With faith you need no evidence you just have to believe. Leaving that aside I thought that it had been proven that St John the revelation guy was actually writing about his own contemporary times and the oppression of the Romans. I wont beat about the bush - nobody can tell the future. Prophecy is a lie with an agenda.
The piece finishes with a prayer. Oh, bless! Due Dilligence is pictured holding a rifle, so must be one of those "Gun in one hand, bible in the other" types. Bloody hypocrites! I'm not a Christian so I am by no means an expert, but I think I have it right when I say that Jesus was a good guy wasn't he? Wasn't he into peace and love, and turn the other cheek? Wasn't he anti church, telling people to worship in natural surroundings, I mean, he was basically a hippy that was centuries ahead of his time. So if he did return, which is to infer that he was here before and was not just a comet or a set of ancient stories hijacked by a new religion which had no actual history of its own, if he was here now and some twat walked up to him with a bible in one hand and a gun in the other and said "Hi, I'm a Christian" wouldn't Christ say "Then why are you, like, holding a weapon of death, man" probably followed by an inquiry as to where he could get some weed and chill ouuut.
Anyway I should stop making fun because I'm helping fulfill the prophecy by doing so, as well as hurting me and my potential readers. I am sorry, potential readers, and hope I don't bring doomsday upon you. Stop reading now, it may not be too late! No, don't. There's some good stuff to come. Tell you what, I'll put in a good words for us. So just in case I would like to say, God, if you are up there (or all around, whatever) I've got no problem with you, its your so called representatives on earth I have a problem with.
Anyway, to continue the search is another piece which, would you "Adam and Eve it?" its about the end of the world.
OMG! There's a massive lens flare heading our way. No! It's Niburu! No, wait, it's lens flare.
A more earth bound danger next - GM foods :
Back to GM foods. The biggest problem with these is that they haven't been around long enough to see what they do to people over a life time. I guess Monsanto, et al, are looking at the current population as the Guinea Pigs.We be mutated into Molocks! Seriously, though I don't want to eat any of that GM crap. Leave Mother Nature alone, I say.
Well that was fun, I must do it again. Give it a day or two and there will be more hysteria to report on. I could list a lot more right now but I think covering GM poisoning,a phantom Niburu, compulsory microchipping and the end of the world will do for one blog.
I will return with more.
contender #1 :
Before its news. They really ought to rename themselves. Something like This is never going to be news. Americans around the world are going to be micro chipped, they say. According to other news on this site, it would be a waste of money to microchip people as the population is dying of radiation poisoning, from eating GM foods or being frozen to death. Also, as if that wasn't enough the radiation levels are increasing on the east coast as well as the west.
Frogs sitting in the water waiting to boil, eh? This guys a poet and he didn't know it.
But WAIT! There's more. Plans, I repeat plans to create a total melt down at Fukishima.
What an article this is! A hysterical first paragraph begins by telling us to be prepared for anything. This piece is written by someone calling themselves "Due Dilligance" They follow this up by telling us that whereas previous end times prophesies have been rubbish (we had noticed) this is the real thing. Buckle up people! We are in the end of days. I thought it had been getting dark recently...
I love the bit that says:
"If you are scoffing at the warnings, guess what? You are fulfilling prophecy and you are only hurting yourself and any of those who may be listening to you. Check it out, I’m not putting you on..."
Due then goes on to give us a couple of quotes from the new testament . You know, the collection of stories that Christians believe as "fact" because they have their own word for fact, which is "faith". With faith you need no evidence you just have to believe. Leaving that aside I thought that it had been proven that St John the revelation guy was actually writing about his own contemporary times and the oppression of the Romans. I wont beat about the bush - nobody can tell the future. Prophecy is a lie with an agenda.
The piece finishes with a prayer. Oh, bless! Due Dilligence is pictured holding a rifle, so must be one of those "Gun in one hand, bible in the other" types. Bloody hypocrites! I'm not a Christian so I am by no means an expert, but I think I have it right when I say that Jesus was a good guy wasn't he? Wasn't he into peace and love, and turn the other cheek? Wasn't he anti church, telling people to worship in natural surroundings, I mean, he was basically a hippy that was centuries ahead of his time. So if he did return, which is to infer that he was here before and was not just a comet or a set of ancient stories hijacked by a new religion which had no actual history of its own, if he was here now and some twat walked up to him with a bible in one hand and a gun in the other and said "Hi, I'm a Christian" wouldn't Christ say "Then why are you, like, holding a weapon of death, man" probably followed by an inquiry as to where he could get some weed and chill ouuut.
Anyway I should stop making fun because I'm helping fulfill the prophecy by doing so, as well as hurting me and my potential readers. I am sorry, potential readers, and hope I don't bring doomsday upon you. Stop reading now, it may not be too late! No, don't. There's some good stuff to come. Tell you what, I'll put in a good words for us. So just in case I would like to say, God, if you are up there (or all around, whatever) I've got no problem with you, its your so called representatives on earth I have a problem with.
Anyway, to continue the search is another piece which, would you "Adam and Eve it?" its about the end of the world.
OMG! There's a massive lens flare heading our way. No! It's Niburu! No, wait, it's lens flare.
A more earth bound danger next - GM foods :
Back to GM foods. The biggest problem with these is that they haven't been around long enough to see what they do to people over a life time. I guess Monsanto, et al, are looking at the current population as the Guinea Pigs.We be mutated into Molocks! Seriously, though I don't want to eat any of that GM crap. Leave Mother Nature alone, I say.
Well that was fun, I must do it again. Give it a day or two and there will be more hysteria to report on. I could list a lot more right now but I think covering GM poisoning,a phantom Niburu, compulsory microchipping and the end of the world will do for one blog.
I will return with more.
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