Thursday, 20 February 2014


Is there a new defense being mounted for geoengineering? Articles are appearing in the "alternative" press defending both GM foods and chem trailing. In the interest of showing both sides of the argument I will put the links on this page for people to follow.

The GM foods article claims that a lot of the opposition to GM crops is over the top and not based on the facts. Fair enough, you might say, but what about the methods that are used by Monsanto? There have been stories in the press of farmers in India being prosecuted because GM plants in other farmers fields have taken root in their fields. Now the are preparing to do this in the USA with the Supreme Courts blessing:

Farmers have been prosecuted for taking cuttings from GM plants. So the first question I would ask is why are Monsanto producing plants that won't provide seed? How do farmers make a living when they have to spend a fortune each year on new seed?

There is also the Monsanto Technology Stewardship Agreement which puts all liability on the farmer. In other words if the crops fail for whatever reason and Monsanto have made the farmer sign a contract that clears their company of any liability. So if they sell you dud seeds you have no recourse in law to seek compensation. Monsanto appear to be continuing the work of  such organizations as the EU, who forever throw new quotas at farmers and force their prices down for the consumer market. They seem intent on getting rid of small family farms to allow the complete industrialization of farming. The land will all belong to corporations soon.

Whether or not the product is safe has been ignored largely because of big pharmas tactics for implementation and the fact that they agree things with governments without reference to the people that vote for the tossers in the first place. That's why mass demonstrations have been seen worldwide. Even here in the usually docile and ignorant UK campaigners have been able to challenge Monsanto.

Across the other side of the world, the UK's old enemy Argentina is feeling the full effect of allowing Monsanto in. According to this next article the consequences for the Argentinian people have been severe :

The bottom line is this: citizens of the world want to know that ALL products for human consumption have been rigorously tested before they are put on the market and they want a public debate on the subject which will give them the information that they need to make an informed decision. In the capitalist world the consumer should be king. By this I mean that if people would use their spending power as a veto and avoid all companies involved in dubious practices (Food safety, slave labor, excessive profit, pollution, etc) then perhaps these companies would change. Sadly people either don't know or don't care about these things as long as they get shiny new technology to play with and cheap ready made meals.

It is a shame that other important subjects are not given more thought  from the public. GM foods seem to be the only thing that have got people mobilized. Geo engineering is a very serious subject and it is another area that has little regulation and even less data about the long term effects. Now supporters of chem trailing, the same people that have spent the last ten years or more denying that chem trailing takes place are  saying it is vital to keep out solar radiation that would heat the planet. If they stop, they say, it will cause more damage than if they continue :

It doesn't help their cause when it is discovered that the CIA are investing in weather modification. Naturally, it would make a good weapon. .... and they don't want mavericks

Supporters of terra forming, oops! I meant to say Geo engineering, are preparing for a mass mind f**k of the population via the mass media.

Having denied that they were conducting planet altering experiments for decades the eugenicists are now coming clean. Now we are expected to believe that they can't stop what they are doing or it will make things worse. WORSE? What? Worse than what the  polar vortex has done to the USA? Worse than the flooding that Europe is enduring at present? Worse than the typhoon that hit the Phillipines? You may wonder how all these events occured. Simple. Years of using HAARP and spraying heavy metals and chemicals high in the atmosphere has disrupted the natural flow of the jet stream. The jet stream controls the wind patterns for the entire world.

Are you proud to be British? Sometimes I'm not. If anyone is going to destroy this planet it will be us. We are all familiar with stories about Krakatoa, how it erupted and blocked out the sun for weeks, yes? Apparently this next lot of idiot scientists either don't know what volcanic eruptions can do or just don't care.

So not content with cloud seeding and chem trailing we now want to provoke volcanoes to erupt. I thought that Scientists were the clever people? Then how come they are always working on ways to destroy the planet? What happens when you agitate a volcano is as stupid a question as what happens when you put your hand in a flame. YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO IT TO KNOW THAT IT IS BLOODY STUPID!

The campaign against fossil fuels by Nuclear power supporters and politicians that was successful in the 1980s and 1990s may have been counter productive. It seems that the sulpher created from coal burning may slow climate change.

Of course, the death of the coal mining industry was not purely because of carbon emissions. Miners were, historically, the best organized workers, particularly in the UK. It was Evil Thatchers plan all along to close mines to lessen political opposition. It was about destroying working class morale. Mission accomplished. Like I said in a previous blog there was little said about pollution or "global warming" when all the industry was in the west. Capitalists moved heavy industry to the far east and when they realized the expansion of the eastern economies threatened their stranglehold on the world they had to make up scare stories to limit the industrial growth of countries like China and India.

Just look at what is happening in California at the moment. They are experiencing their worst drought ever. This should worry everyone, not just Americans as California is a major grower of fruit and vegetables. We could see both food shortages and the inevitable price increase that would accompany shortage. If we check back to a year ago what was being done in this area? Chem trailing, that's what!

Some people think these are clouds, some think it is Contrails - some people are complete imbeciles!

The link above is to an article written in June 2013. A clear connection can be seen between the chemical spraying and the drought. You have to ask "Is the drought being engineered deliberately?" Maybe it was or perhaps the opposite result was envisaged. The poisoners may have thought that intensive spraying would bring more rain and higher crop yields. Who will gain if food is in short supply? Whoever has the remaining food. I am not a prepper but I do think it is a good idea to keep a stock of staple foods and water for short term emergencies. Its one way to beat inflation if nothing else. So what does the spraying do? In theory it reflects some of the suns rays back out in to space allowing the world to cool a little. Global warming is given as the cause. You naughty motorists (I do not drive) are blamed and must be taxed. The companies that build your cars and provide your oil will continue to pollute the world but as long as they provide hybrid cars everything will be alright. Oh, and they won't be taxed.
An average sky these days - this could be anywhere.

One thing is for certain: the entire solar system is warming. In response, apparently, the elite have authorized the chem trails (done from unidentifiable planes with no markings) which they think will keep the planet cooler. Some scientists think that this is due to changes in or on the sun :

If you read the above, however you will notice that the journalist reverts to promoting the global warming message. I quote:

"While evidence suggests fluctuations in solar activity can affect climate on Earth, and that it has done so in the past, the majority of climate scientists and astrophysicists agree that the sun is not to blame for the current and historically sudden uptick in global temperatures on Earth, which seems to be mostly a mess created by our own species."

I am sure that none of us deny that we have done our planet no favors but neither should we deny that something is going on in the solar system. Of course, you cannot tax the Sun, but you can tax motorists for polluting the air using the only fuel made available to them by the oil and motor industries. Not all science journals support global warming however. Here is one that argues in favor of solar changes .

Yet others point out that if the sun is responsible for warming up Pluto it would be scorching us -bringing us back to global warming, as according to this article all the many temperature changes in our solar system on various planets and moons have individual reasons. Something tells me this guy may be paid to produce disinformation. Does he not think it a bit of a coincidence that all these different planets and moons are affected by different causes simultaneously? Is anyone in the astronomy community looking for what all the warming places have in common in comparison to the other areas that are not warming? In fact there is. The solar system could be entering an interstellar cloud.

The above is quite heavy going if you don't have a decent knowledge of science. It does, however offer another view as to what is causing rising temperatures here on earth. There is also the tiny matter of the earths magnetic field. Our shield against cosmic radiation is weakening :

Our magnetic field

The last link is from NASA - so it must be true! The question is this : Has global warming been invented to hide changes on earth that are either man made through weather modification or a change in the solar system that scientists do not yet understand? It could be both. Weather modification trials have disrupted natural phenomena such as El Nino and the Jet Stream. In the same time frame scientists have noticed a rise in the background temperature of the solar system. Not wishing to feed the "end of the world" brigade or worry people unduly they deploy the ol' magicians sleight of hand. While they spray the sky to keep out space radiation they blame people on earth for causing it. The right hand works on chemical spraying while the audience fixate on the global warming in the left. The mass media is the magician, the master of deception.
The earth could be going through a pole reversal

Whatever the truth is it pails in to insignificance when compared to what Fukishima has done to the pacific ocean and more. Whole species wiped out, pacific fish not fit to eat, Japanese children getting thyroid cancer. In my lifetime the following nuclear disasters have occurred : Winscale (now Sellafield), Three mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukishima. Add to these the hundreds of A bomb and H bomb tests, many of which were on pacific isles, and you can see that we are breathing in toxic air. That's without considering the pollution we also breathe in from our industry and our traffic.

It really is time for people to look at how they are living. They should ask themselves why they do the things that they do rather than the things that they want to do. If things are as bad as they seem it is time to start enjoying life before it is too late. It is time to think hard about what kind of companies you give your money to and what their politicians should be doing for them.

It really is time to halt "progress".

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