Tuesday, 25 February 2014


On April 1st authorities in Japan will allow some residents of the Fukishima disaster zone to return home. Could they have picked a better day than April fools day? Perhaps they just decided that as these people have already had a killer dose of radiation they may as well return home to die.

It doesn't seem to bother them that the problems at the poisonous nuclear power station are far from over. In fact new problems are being found.

Problems with nuclear power stations do not stop in Japan

Why must we have these monstrous power stations forced upon us? I don't give a shit how much money can be made for a handful of capitalists, nuclear energy is not safe energy. Our eugenicist elite want nuclear stations so that they have the means to make nuclear weapons. Americans could do without their own Fukishima right now as they have enough problems. Here are some recent health stories :

There is a strange new Polio like virus doing the rounds in California. When I see the words strange new virus I always assume it is man made. I am convinced that the eugenics squad are trying little packages of viruses here and there so that they can assess the damage they do and decide which one is best for the future culling. Details can be found here.

New York has a breakout of Measles. Is Measles a danger? I remember having it as a kid and apart from itchiness I do not remember anything else about it. Having read this piece I decided that it was a scare story. Newspapers love making people panic. Another mystery can be found here

This time it is birth defects in the Washington area. Babies are being born with parts of their skull or brain missing. What with all these "mystery illnesses" it would be advisable for parents to have their children vaccinated, right? Maybe not.

So the idea here appears to be that parents take their completely healthy child along to the well child clinic and the clinic gives them the flu. It is this kind of thing that leads people to believe that there might be some kind of conspiracy where the elite scare the population to death about the chances of a killer disease getting them, in order to persuade them into getting vaccines that may kill them. Those crazy conspiracy nuts! Our elites obviously love us and want to fill us with drugs that will make us feel, er, better. You know what would make me feel better? A bigger slice of the financial pie, less cars on the road spreading cancer causing pollution and the phasing out of nuclear power. If this could be achieved it would make us all feel a lot better. Here is an example of the medical industry killing you with kindness

A patient has breast cancer. She is depressed, understandably. She is prescribed an anti depressant that causes cancer! You could not make this stuff up!
Is the Doctor performing some kind of mercy killing? Trying to finish the patient off a bit more quickly? Or is it another case of a drug getting to the market place that never should have been approved by the FDA?

Finally, for now, because all this bleak press is getting to me, here is a cheerful little ditty about how big companies fill mass produced food with poison.

We make meals from scratch in our house and will continue to do so. Although the other day my daughter read the ingredients in a packet of Wonka Nerds that she had and told me that it states there are genetically modified ingredients in the sweets. There we have it. Our elite decide that we will have GM Foods because they will control them, whats in them and what is allowed to be listed on the label. Then package it up to look attractive to kids and then they can see what GM foods do to someone given them from birth.

You are definitely not crazy if you think that these people are out to get us. They are. They will succeed if we do not stop them. Spread the word and do not let any experimental GM foods in to your diet or that of your children. Until they are proved safe they should find a social group to trial GM foods. How about the elite?

All those in favor of making the elite eat their own poison.....?

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