Friday 27 December 2013


A review of some of the stuff that is killing us.

I recently wrote about automation and mentioned the growing field of trans-humanism. So I was interested when I came across this article about a breakthrough in robotics.

The article discusses how rapidly technology is advancing and how computerization and robotics are moving further in to the jobs market in a wide variety of industries. It then goes on to outline the role of DARPA and the military in the research of Robots and shows that for every positive advance, e.g. robotic limbs for accident victims there is a negative, life taking use to be deployed on the battlefield. Some people are obviously very twisted in the brain. I just don't understand the need to kill.  What kind of dead soul earns their wages by thinking up new ways to kill people?

I don't see anyone hurrying to find a technological solution to Fukishima - why don't the powers that be concentrate their resources on that particular time bomb?

Further down the front page on Activist Post is an item about the banking system. It demonstrates how quickly the bank system could be shut down if under attack and lists recent security breaches. There are some who believe that this is going to be part of a false flag event. The people in America that rely on food stamps have had a taste of what it would be like to have no access to money. Chaos ensued and people rampaged through Walmart filling their trollies. Imagine if nobody could get their money. How would people react, and more crucially, how would the state react?

Do you know why I think such attacks are increasing? The hackers of the world want to punish the system that spies on us all through the NSA and GCHQ. Add that to the general feeling amongst the populace that bankers are criminals who went unpunished for destroying the western economy and you shouldn't be surprised that people are taking action, and hitting them where it hurts.

I hope that they get a good kick in the googles!

In other recent events we have Thai Police firing plastic bullets at peoples heads (amongst other things). As the people of Thailand demonstrate for democracy (anyone out there remember democracy?) the state reacts in the same way that the US will if the banking system fails. Whereas some countries are going for the slow death approach to population control Thailand are taking the direct approach - don't bother with warnings and crowd control just blow peoples heads off.

Meanwhile, it is flu season again and health spokespeople from around the world are doing their best to panic everyone. H1N1 is spreading in the U.S. (Texas).

In China a 73 year old woman has died from bird flu. The strain that got her was H10 N8. The article, linked below, goes on to say this is the second mutated strain this year in China.

One of the above linked articles says that there have been 134 people infected with H7N9 and 44 killed since march 2013. This doesn't seem like an epidemic so I wonder why the various health authorities around the world keep telling us that millions of us could  be wiped out? There must be people out there that are trying their hardest to make this flu able to pass on to humans. We should all stop eating chicken just to spite them. Then there would be no need for intensive farming of poultry which creates the conditions for these strains of virus to grow.

The World Health Organization recently published a report that claims Cancer is caused by air pollution. This is something I have thought all my life. Tobacco has been used as a scapegoat. It has been used in a sleight of hand against us: look at the tobacco in the magicians left hand while he uses his right hand to pollute the world behind our backs, so to speak. The International Agency for Research on Cancer, a WHO study group concluded that air pollution is a carcinogen and kills more than second hand cigarette and cigar smoke does (which is none in my opinion).

At the above link you can read about the many poisonous substances we are exposed to. This means that if you live in a heavily industrialized areas with a lot of traffic you are at increased risk of getting cancer. Below is a link to an article that discusses the WHO findings, and its prediction of an increase of cases worldwide in the near future.

All this and I haven't  even mentioned Fukishima. Mind you, its not fashionable to talk about Fukishima.The Japanese government does't want it discussed and the worlds media seem happy to comply. I think I have had my fill of poisons for one day so I'm off to bed

Sleep tight. Don't have nightmares!

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