Thursday 19 December 2013


It's been sometime since I've blogged,mainly because my illness, which I have mentioned before, got way worse. Of course being in the UK and being dependent on disability payments, as my symptoms worsened my money was suddenly cut to almost nothing. My wife and I now live by scrounging off the family. My wife works full time, but no household in the UK can survive on one wage - it has been that way since the scary depressing days of Frau Thatcher; the most heartless bitch to ever serve as Prime minister.

During the last year or so I have had blood tests,consultations with specialists and several types of drug tried to get me going again. My hands have been so sore that I couldn't type or roll a cigarette: in fact I could barely use my hands or feet and had pains in every joint and muscle. I am glad to say that the last few months have been better because the right combination of painkillers, anti inflammatory pills and crucially, something to get me to sleep have got my fingers going again (although I am spending as much time correcting mis-keys as I am writing, but progress is underway.)

I have been diagnosed as having Fibromyalgea. This is in addition to the early onset Degenerative Disc Disease I have had for almost five years now.

Anyway, I don't think I had that many people reading my rants, which I can assure you will be different in the future as being correctly medicated has done a lot to improve my mood. All I need now is to get my benefits back: the benefits that I made over 30 years of contributions to via national insurance. That's what gets me about these Government pancake flingers - they act like they are giving you charity when in actual fact you have paid years of contributions. They won't tax the top earners to balance the books, they would rather take from the sick and the old.

The UK's version of eugenic depopulation is going to be carried out by slowly starving and freezing the vulnerable to death. And if people start to riot or speak out against it the government will use this as an excuse to impose new laws to prevent freedom of expression. Just look at Japan: it is now illegal to speak about Fukishima. Journalists have been threatened with imprisonment, just to stop the truth being known. A truth that people need to know, because in time it is going to affect all of us. 

So thats the end of my reintroduction to blogging. Now I have to find something to write about, which shouldn't be difficult given the crazy times we live in.

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