Wednesday 25 December 2013


I have a lot of interests.Many of them are what could be called fringe interests. One of these interests is Niburu.

I have never believed the bibles version of our beginnings, nor do I put any stock in the notions of Darwin. He left as much out of his theory as he put in, ignoring such things as  marine fossils on the top of mountains in south America and the mass extinction event that was evident everywhere in the Americas. He saw remains of varied species of animals shredded and massed together. Different species, hunter and prey all twisted together: he couldn't explain how they were there so he never mentioned them. Velikovsky argued quiet convincingly that to acknowledge such events Darwin would have to have conceded that in the past there had been disasters catastrophic enough to wipe out entire species. This did not fit in with the emerging scientific atheist paradigm that denied catastrophism and any notion of a global flood. In part they wanted to marginalise biblical texts and ancient myths so they could not be investigated through "scientific methods".

Like many others I have been looking for answers that would explain anomalies that science and religion cannot explain. Then one day I came across a book by Zecharia Sitchen called the twelfth planet. It is controversial and rebuked by both scientists and the religious. Sitchen decoded the meaning of the ancient Sumerian tablets as part of a team, but differed in his findings from the other members. The clay tablets recounted a long list of kings including kings from before the great flood. They also told of earth being visited by intelligent aliens who created mankind by mixing their DNA with DNA from one of the pre-human primates such as Homo Erectus or Neanderthal man. Whereas the rest of the team that studied the tablets, and many others since believe these to recount myths: to be our ancestors trying to explain creation. Sitchen, however, took them at face value, accepting them as legitimate history. I believe that there may be a lot of truth in his interpretations and do not find the Ancient Astronaut theory to be any more outlandish than the bible or science with its Big Bang theory where everything in the universe came from nowhere. Yeah, right!

 The story of Nibiru, a planet that the Annunaki myths claim is in our solar system has a long elliptical orbit which approaches us every 3600 years. At its nearest approach to earth it is written in the myths that great disruption occurs on earth, and earth and Niburu exchange lightening bolts.It also led to disastrous events  such as mass extinctions, massive floods and intense seismic and volcanic activity.

So that, in a nutshell is the myth of Niburu. What annoys me with regards to some people on the internet, particularly on you tube, is the doomsday hysteria that they serve up. My main complaint is that Sitchin plainly states in his works that the last time Niburu was in our vicinity was 556bc. Youtube is full of scaremongers that link every passing comet, such as the recent Ison with Niburu. They keep telling viewers that Niburu is on its way: thats why we are having extreme weather events, (they've obviously not heard of HAARP and other weather modification programs) they blame the current cosmic warming on Niburu and constantly accuse NASA of covering up the truth.

I would like to point out to such scaremongerers as RevMichelleHopkins and corageous nerds that simple maths exposes your ignorance. In his last interview Sitchen plainly states in answer to the question will Niburu return in 2012? :

"in 556bc,in a schema (chart) from NASA an unusual and unexpected eclipse took place.... that was the last time Nibiru was near earth... so if you go back to the problem posed by 2012, and you say well, in 2012 Niburu is about to return and do this or do that, maybe a good omen, or do harmful things like the apocalypse, the end - it does not work because the last time Nibiru was near earth was 556bc, and if it has an orbit of about 3400, 3500 years it ain't coming back" (in 2012). (approx 1 hr 32 mins in).

 It will, in fact, if it exists at all return somewhere around 3100ad.

So why do they do it, the youtubers and contributors to such sites as Before It's News? Whilst editing this article I noticed that even today Before Its News have an article suggesting that  comet Ison will hit earth today!  What is the motivation of these people? Generally it is religious and the worst kind of Christianity is evident. It is book of revelations stuff. Some of these people are desperate for the end of the world and "judgement day". They want the anti christ to appear and herald in the end of time and to punish the wicked, etc. The irony is they can't see that Niburu does not fit in to their way of thinking at all. If you believe in Niburu you believe that there is no god because the occupants of Niburu are supposed to be our creators: it is in opposition to the newer theory of one god that was obviously put together by racist misogynists who wished to control both the flow of information and the great deception that was created to control the populace through fear. Your seat in heaven is guaranteed if you give generously to the church and abide by the commandments. (The commandments themselves may have been lifted and adapted from the egyptian book of the dead as there is a striking similarity, as there is between the story of christ and that of Mithras.)

Perhaps some of the fear mongers are unhappy with their own lives so they want to spread their fears and anxieties to others. There are so many sites online that link every contemporary disaster and comet to the bible, or false prophets such as Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus. All of it is based on the belief that what has happened before will happen again, what goes around comes around. There are some truths in that, I suppose. There have been extinction events in the past and there will be in the future. Civilizations rise to dominance and then get wiped out or fall apart as resources lessen. To link this to religion and prophecy however is fanciful because it is impossible to predict the future. If you do not believe that just think for a moment about all the failed predictions. Y2K and 2012 for instance, to give two recent examples.

I wrote this piece for two reasons: first, I hope I can open some peoples eyes to the reason for all this doom and gloom, which is that people are trying to force the reader/watcher to align their own thoughts with the beliefs of the presenter. Always think for yourself and examine the evidence and references given. Do your own reading and make up your own mind. The second reason is to say to these doom and gloom merchants: for crying out loud give us all a break. We all face very real pressing problems here on earth such as our faltering economy's, bereft of investment, creating no jobs. The crazies that tried to start world war three in Syria are still at large and no doubt still scheming. Our governments are monitoring everything that we do electronically (hello to whoever is reading this in GCHQ) and we have war after war , costing us billions of pounds that could be used to relieve poverty and create jobs. So please STFU about the remote chance of us being hit by something from space and speak out about what is being done to our planet.

Oh, and by the way God is not coming to save us so don't hold your breath.

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