Wednesday, 29 January 2014


Assisted suicide is a very emotive subject. As with abortion the opposing supporters hold strong views. It basically comes down to this: who has sovereignty over their own body? If you are dying is it up to you to say "enough is enough" and choose to end your life? Do you have that right if you are a parent with loved ones that need you?

The biggest obstacle to this becoming legal is determining if someone is in their right mind (a social construct if ever there was one). If you have been told that you have a terminal illness by a doctor or specialist, apart from feeling shocked it must also affect the way that you think for the rest of your life. How can it not? What if family members with their eye on an inheritance persuade, trick or bully a person into opting for suicide? A law like this would be impossible to police. How would the authority in charge know that the dying person came to the decision to end their life with no pressure, threat or force?

The idea of a living will has been suggested by some. This is a document drawn up by a person before they are ill, which would put down ahead of time conditions that the individual would not like to live under. For example, someone who may well get a hereditary disease could write a legal disclaimer that once they reached a certain level of pain or degeneration they no longer wish to live. The snag here is that it would still end up in a legal debate as to whether a person that knows they may get a certain condition is in their right mind to make such a decision as their thought processes must be predisposed to think the worst because they are living in fear.

Anyway, the state wants to decide when we die. We are, after all wage slaves with a duty and obligation to work all of our lives to make other people rich. Also the state (by which I mean the government and the elites that tell governments what to do) is two faced and sneaky. Their aim is to appear to act in your best interests while plotting to prevent us reproducing offspring and poisoning us to death through pollution, food additives, vaccinations and weather manipulation. Nobody dies until the state says they can. Here's the link that started my rambling:

On the subject of poison here's an article about controlled death:

Line up for your poison. As I mentioned a few weeks ago they keep telling us there is a massive flu pandemic. Every winter for years now, but it hasn't appeared. This makes me wonder, if they are so worried about us getting the flu, why do they keep messing about with viruses in labs? Why do they want animal viruses to cross over to people? One day they will succeed and then the mass cull will begin. Take this next link, for example. The Council on Foreign Relations ( a non government organization whose members include ex- politicians, current politicians, military personnel and of course representation from wall street and the federal reserve) has weighed in to the argument about vaccinations, ridiculing any findings about the dangers of these poisons. They have even created a bogus map showing that there are areas of outbreaks of viruses in areas that have been against vaccinations.

We are all going to be treated as idiots if we wont vaccinate. I have a degenerative disease which hits my immunity system. Every year for the past five years at least my Doctors surgery has phoned me asking me to go in for a 'flu shot. I don't go because I know that viruses constantly mutate, so getting injected with a previous strain is not going to help me. Most of the people I know who have had the injection are ill for days afterwards. But one nurse (snotty cow!) at my surgery was suggesting that by not getting the jab I was putting my own health at risk. This made me wonder when they will make it a condition of receiving medical assistance based on the patients cooperation with vaccinations. I also get the princely sum of £50 a week disability benefit. What if they decide to withhold that if I won't get poisoned? We have less and less freedom of choice and I believe that this is the way that they will try and force cooperation with their eugenics plans.

If you are reading this and you are young and sexually active I feel that I have to warn you about a killer STD. The hysteria around this one is that it is potentially a bigger killer that AIDS.

....well, I'm glad I'm old and past it.

Now for some sensationalism at its best. Are you planning a family in the near future? Apparently there are plans to have your baby microchipped. If true, this really is the end of freedom.

I read this and followed the link to the original piece and have to say that there is not one fact or any evidence to be found in them. I'm not saying that this is impossible to do, of course it is possible, and could well be done in conjunction with vaccinations. What I am saying is give me some facts. All the same the rest of the article is interesting, giving examples of groups within the population that have already been targeted. Make up your own mind, though. So much of this stuff is put out as disinformation to make it more difficult to find the truth.

Here's some truth for you. Your government kills and then lies about it. Here is some more evidence of the dangers of vaccines:

So they don't harm sales of this years poison they hide the number of fetal deaths caused by last years.

Add to all these worrying stories the news that FEMA is making huge purchases again. As you may know they bought vast quantities of ammunition and temporary coffins last year, this year they are gearing up for a pandemic. Again.

Its funny, I started off this piece writing about assisted suicide and by the time I get to the end I can only conclude that there is no need for it given that so many scientists and government agencies are working so hard to kill us. One of these days, either by forced vaccinations put in place as a result of a false flag pandemic or through the accidental release of a virus from a lab we will all end up poisoned. Oh, and lets not forget what the Fukishima disaster is already doing to the world.

Signing off now. I'll be back soon to cheer you up some more!.

Sunday, 26 January 2014


I had a break from writing for a couple of days because I have had arthritic fingers and wrists. I could have done with a robot to type for me. I say this because I found this little ditty about Robots..

Wow! Just when I thought that the news couldn't get any more crazy I came across this piece on Activist Post:

Robots to breed with themselves and humans by 2045. I must admit I was alarmed that this was to occur at 2045 because I first read it at half past seven! However, once it had turned a quarter to eight and no shagging robots had accosted me I calmed down. So what does this incredible expose tell us? Well it begins by citing Ray Kurzweil, who believes in something called the singularity. This is not the same as the one at the start of the universe, this singularity refers to a point in the future when humankind and electronics will merge, essentially creating a new species.

The article goes on to say that 2045 will be when robots take all human jobs. Cybernetic "experts" (none are named) claim that by 2045 we would have an era of cyborgs. I hope you are ready for this people? Things are moving apace. Apparently research is being done with cyborgs on a sociological level, teaching them how to interact,etc. They are getting their own wikipedia to exchange ideas and learn. Cyber geeks (probably without girlfriends) predict an evolutionary machine that can learn and self replicate.

I'll quote the next bit, else you might think I'm making this up:

"With the rapid advances made in the realm of 3D printing, they would likely begin by printing out their progeny, or perhaps would breed at the molecular level through their silicon and carbon make-up. Others experts such as Professor Noel Sharkey from England's Sheffield University point to the same concept as the "Wikipedia for Robots" - through a simple software swap, new intelligence could be created, as well as the likelihood of other upgrades like virus protection. Incidentally, the organic component of this is also being researched by geneticists as downloadable DNA via our own human Internet."

They might print copies of themselves or breed at the molecular level. I presume that they are going to have silicon children then. Downloadable virus protection, though, now theres a concept! I wonder if it will cover the flu and sexual disieses? Come to think of it, would new sexual disieses come in to being? Or allergies to Robot lubricants?The writer, Nicholas West, then points out the extent that technology has invaded our lives and how we can't live without it. He implies that we have a "love" for machines that could develop. I don't know about this Nick guy, I mean I love my computer but I don't want to have sex with it. Anyway, to continue, these robots are infiltrating society. They are already employed in the "Care" profession (a misnomer if ever there was one). There is a list of jobs, citing sources for you to check at the above link. Amongst the jobs these robots do (bloody Robots, coming over here, stealing our jobs, shaggin' our women... I can hear it now!) are Butling (er, if thats what the act of being a butler is), waiters, nurses, pet walkers and teaching. Teaching? Isn't that already run by programmed Robots?

Apparently there is research to say that we are predisposed to fondness for Robots and would like one as a friend. Mr West points out our love of Sci-fi and goes on to illustrate some practical uses for robots:

"Robots won't merely attenuate the need for human intimacy and thus the use of love for instrumental purposes. They also seem to have attractions as companions in their own right. So far the most sophisticated social robots are those developed to ease the loneliness of the elderly . . .

Really? I'm 54 now. I wonder if I'll be able to get myself a cyborg on the NHS by retirement age? It would be good if they were like the ones in Futurama - "I'll have a lucy liu robot in a kinky Nurses outfit please!"

Hang on - I shouldn't make fun, because the Mail online has something to say about it and if the papers believe it, then it must be true! A professor called Kevin Warwick told the Mail:

   " ‘just about anything is possible’ and . . . there are already robots with biological brains that mix biological and technological parts.

    ‘This is not science fiction,’ he said.

    He believes that robots capable of breeding with each other could be produced using current research and technologies but it will likely take 20 to 30 years

before they could be used on Earth – and there are questions to be asked about whether this is a good idea."

It turns out that the mail online is cited as the main source for this piece, which explains a lot. I can't help- wondering if there ARE people that believe all this.

If it does happen I see nothing but problems. For a start, what if your partner had an affair with a Robot. Seriously, how are any of us supposed to compete with that? If a woman is having sex with a robot her husband won't get a look in. What if they come (ahem!) with a speed switch at the top of their ass? She may never get out of bed again! (Unless, of course, her lover is battery operated.) Looking on the bright side though, if her Robot got stuck (as so often sex toys do - so I've been told) the Robot will be able to walk her down to casualty. You can just imagine some poor woman lying there bemoaning the fact that she paid extra for a self lubricating model. Blimey, we'd better make sure Toyota dont make any, we wouldn't want an epidemic of Robots being stuck on full speed. The emergency services wouldn't be able to cope.

When I finished reading I checked the date - no, it's not April 1st. I was left with a few questions, like Why? Why print this waste product and why would we want to EVER mate with machines? A Dildo or a cock ring is one thing but a whole bloody person sized machine? How does a horny teenager hide one of those from their parents? Particularly if their parents have them too. What if it keeps stopping half way through tasks because of "pop up" adverts? Could they pass their computer viruses on to their human? Would they end up going to bed early after a few years complaining of having a synthetic headache, Or that they are feeling "a bit run down?

And most important of all, who is running things in the future if all the people and machines are having sex all day?

Tuesday, 14 January 2014


I thought that I'd provide some balance to my blogging following on from the last one by looking at some news stories that are genuinely concerning rather than hysterical. The first link gives cause for concern. I saw a David Attenborough documentary a few years ago about Sardines. It followed their journey across the world and showed what an important part of the food chain they are, being vital to the survival of many species.

An important part of the food chain is disappearing.It follows that if the Sardines dwindle in number so will all the other creatures in the food chain. The poor old fish population is getting it every which way at the moment :

.....I can't help but ask - are the frozen seas a sign of global warming?

In warmer climes the oyster is in trouble.

This could have serious consequences. If this isn't sorted out quickly they may have to delay the shooting of the next Masterchef Australia and My Kitchen Rules Series'. They'd be buggered without their sea food.

On the subject of food I was angered to read that Warburtons and Jordan are using cereal that contains Glyphosate - a GM agent. Well I tell you what you poisoning tossers, you have cost yourself a customer, and I hope that others feel the same way.

The NWO is hotting up a pace :

The plan is : 1. A United states of Europe. 2. Open borders and shared laws between the USA, Canada and Mexico. 3. An Asian Bloc with China at the head. From there it will be easy to merge the three under a world government. To be honest, when I was a kid, watching Thunderbirds and Joe 90 I used to think we would have that by the year 2000. Sadly for the NWO we all grew up and not enough of us were brainwashed enough by TV. That's the weak link in the mass media onslaught: there are always plenty of people that do not get affected. Whatever it is with the frequency of broadcast it does not captivate everybody. Luckily, society has plenty of people like myself who question everything and take nothing at face value. Other methods are needed. That's why Bush started the war on terrrr. But, alas that has convinced very few people. We are just not playing the game which must be very frustrating for the PTB (powers that be) I mean, what is the point of these people funding terrorism all around the world if we don't start begging to be protected? The war on terror hasn't caught the collective imagination, just like the war on drugs never. We love a pantomime here in Britain and we know a farce when we see one.

What are your children doing at their pc right now? This is creepy and scary

I tried to follow this link for more details but got a "site error" message. Creepy is not a strong enough word for this. It is because of people like these that I regularly check what my daughter is doing online and who she is talking to. I even check her pc when she is at school. Yes, I'm aware that this is somewhat "Big Daddy" - ish but I want to know for sure that she is safe from predators.

Before we get the truth out of the government we get years, decades of denial. Then slowly information leaks out in to the mainstream. Such is the case of weather modification. It makes you think again about the causes of the current horrific weather in the USA, Europe, in fact around the globe.HAARP and Chem trails are now openly acknowledged. There are even websites for viewers to find out very little of what they are up to. HAARP and chemtrails have put the weather system out of balance. Instead of making things worse, why don't they come clean and admit that global warming is a smokescreen and tell us what is really going on in the ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM?

Now for the downright creepy (again. There's a lot of it about). This is what we weird truth seeker types have been trying to point out. Our reality is constructed for us.

This extremely informative set of videos shows just how much of so called reality TV is fake. The people are no more than characters played by actors. These actors also turn up in news items as witnesses or victims. There are other videos online that show witnesses from 9/11 also playing witnesses at the Boston bombing. I think that thew three part video at the above link tells you all you need to know, though. They will take up almost three hours to watch but once watched you will have a far better idea of how the media lies to us on many different levels.

After all the NSA revelations which have led to an international backlash against the US a new survey shows they have contributed very little in dealing with domestic terrorism. There are two reasons for this, I'd venture: 1. If terrorist cells stay off the grid they won't get caught. 2. As it has now transpired that the CIA, the US military and British and French secret services (amongst others) trained most of those that are active in international terrorism it stands to reason that they wouldn't be spying on them.

Ladies (and gentlemen that like to wear make up), would you like to look your best while you are slowly being poisoned? Try these products:

the following toxins are in these lip products:
    Cadmium (known carcinogen)
    Chromium (known carcinogen)
    Titanium (recently classified as a carcinogen)
    Aluminum (likely carcinogenic)
    Lead (likely carcinogenic)
    Nickel (likely carcinogenic) (table from the above item)

In a quicker attempt to kill its citizens a more radical approach was taken in Virginia

People poisoned and left without water. Is anywhere safe? That's a rhetorical question. This seems like a good place to stop. It seems that even if you ignore all the hysteria and nonsense online there is still a lot to be worried about.

Sleep tight!

Monday, 13 January 2014


While I was checking the news the other day I decided to search for the most hysterical panic story that I could find. They are everywhere in the alternative media. The internet allows everyone a voice, even those with nothing constructive to say. Who writes these stories? The people invariably hide behind a false name and write things hoping for hysteria and panic in society to follow. Here are a few examples :

contender #1 :

Before its news. They really ought to rename themselves. Something like This is never going to be news. Americans around the world are going to be micro chipped, they say. According to other news on this site, it would be a waste of money to microchip people as the population is dying of radiation poisoning, from eating GM foods or being frozen to death. Also, as if that wasn't enough the radiation levels are increasing on the east coast as well as the west.

Frogs sitting in the water waiting to boil, eh? This guys a poet and he didn't know it.

But WAIT! There's more. Plans, I repeat plans to create a total melt down at Fukishima.

What an article this is! A hysterical first paragraph begins by telling us to be prepared for anything. This piece is written by someone calling themselves "Due Dilligance" They follow this up by telling us that whereas previous end times prophesies have been rubbish (we had noticed) this is the real thing. Buckle up people! We are in the end of days. I thought it had been getting dark recently...

I love the bit that says:

"If you are scoffing at the warnings, guess what? You are fulfilling prophecy and you are only hurting yourself and any of those who may be listening to you. Check it out, I’m not putting you on..."

Due then goes on to give us a couple of quotes from the new testament . You know, the collection of stories that Christians believe as "fact" because they have their own word for fact, which is "faith". With faith you need no evidence you just have to believe. Leaving that aside I thought that it had been proven that St John the revelation guy was actually writing about his own contemporary times and the oppression of the Romans. I wont beat about the bush - nobody can tell the future. Prophecy is a lie with an agenda.

The piece finishes with a prayer. Oh, bless! Due Dilligence is pictured holding a rifle, so must be one of those "Gun in one hand, bible in the other" types. Bloody hypocrites! I'm not a Christian so I am by no means an expert, but I think I have it right when I say that Jesus was a good guy wasn't he? Wasn't he into peace and love, and turn the other cheek? Wasn't he anti church, telling people to worship in natural surroundings, I mean, he was basically a hippy that was centuries ahead of his time.  So if he did return, which is to infer that he was here before and was not just a comet or a set of ancient stories hijacked by a new religion which had no actual history of its own, if he was here now and some twat walked up to him with a bible in one hand and a gun in the other and said "Hi, I'm a Christian" wouldn't Christ say "Then why are you, like, holding a weapon of death, man" probably followed by an inquiry as to where he could get some weed and chill ouuut.
Anyway I should stop making fun because I'm helping fulfill the prophecy by doing so, as well as hurting me and my potential readers. I am sorry, potential readers, and hope I don't bring doomsday upon you. Stop reading now, it may not be too late! No, don't. There's some good stuff to come. Tell you what, I'll put in a good words for us. So just in case I would like to say, God, if you are up there (or all around, whatever) I've got no problem with you, its your so called representatives on earth I have a problem with.

Anyway, to continue the search is another piece which, would you "Adam and Eve it?" its about the end of the world.

OMG! There's a massive lens flare heading our way. No! It's Niburu! No, wait, it's lens flare.

A more earth bound danger next - GM foods :

Back to GM foods. The biggest problem with these is that they haven't been around long enough to see what they do to people over a life time. I guess Monsanto, et al, are looking at the current population as the Guinea Pigs.We be mutated into Molocks! Seriously, though I don't want to eat any of that GM crap. Leave Mother Nature alone, I say.

Well that was fun, I must do it again. Give it a day or two and there will be more hysteria to report on. I could list a lot more right now but I think covering GM poisoning,a phantom Niburu, compulsory microchipping and the end of the world will do for one blog.

I will return with more.

Sunday, 12 January 2014


Fukishima cover up? An interesting video this, for a number of reasons. Dr Richard Davies is interviewed on He was obviously grateful to be heard because he drops a few plugs in for and the infowars shop, a kind of infomercial infowars video. I was listening to a broadcast by GUNN (Glasgow Underground News Network) on Youtube and they made the point, with much amusement, that Alex Jones is no longer alternative or underground media. They are right. He is at the head of a growing industry that has sprung up to meet the need of the paranoid and panic stricken "prepper" movement who are readying themselves for the breakdown of American Society. Obviously he is now brand Alex and is most definitely mainstream. Even the start of his broadcasts wouldn't look out of place on TV alongside those of CNN or CBS. I will return to GUNN after assessing this video, as they made another observation about Alex Jones which invites scrutiny.

The interview begins after the host (Lee Ann McAdoo) introduces the topic, which is radiation arriving on the shores of America and how the Government are being silent about it. People have been taking readings on the beach and are reporting mass die offs of sea creatures. We then get a quick biography of Dr Davies. He is an organic chemist and was in the Navy. He ran trauma centers. The Navy gave him courses in nuclear and chemical warfare. He then admits that hes not an expert. The host asks him for his views on the sailors that are suing TEPCO after being exposed to radiation at the Fukishima clean up operation. According to Dr Davies first responders are probably already dead or suffering from extreme radiation sickness and cancer. He then praised the people out there on the front line and pointed out that it was our leadership that had to be examined. I don't think that many of us would argue with that. His opinion on the mass species death events is that it could be caused by the radiation from Fukishima which, he reminds us resulted from damage to multiple reactors that housed different types of isotopes. As ocean waters mix, he said, it will change from a west coast of America problem to a worldwide one.

He was then asked if this is the reason why there was a conspiracy of silence regarding Fukishima or something more nefarious. His answer may shock you, unless you read the rumors I read two years ago. He said that evidence is emerging that the Fukishima accident may not have been entirely natural. What he is alluding to are the stories that broke shortly after the disaster which suggested that the seismic data showed anomalies. One of the theories being put forward was that the shock wave sent a tsunami in one direction, toward Japan. There was no visible sign of a tsunami across the pond, so to speak. A natural tsunami would have sent high tides in both directions. Dr Davies is calling it a 9/11 type false flag event. Other sources at the time claimed it was a punishment for Japan who were resisting western pressure to plunge themselves into further debt and into the clutches of the international banks.

The host then asks Davies why the government are saying that the Geiger counter readings taken by people on the west coast are not accurate. He replied that as a scientist it would be good practice to have the findings corroborated by other equipment that is available. It is also important to constantly take new readings, but his main point is that no government agency is doing any of this.

 Now it's infomercial time. When asked if there is anything that we can do to minimize the effects? Answer stay away from the coast and out of the rain, don't eat pacific fish, and here it comes - take Iodine. He and his family take Nascent Iodine bought from the Alex Jones shop which he would advise people to take. The next question asked is what should keep on top of? They should centralize the data being collected across the west coast by local groups then challenge the authorities to release information to the public.

Lee Ann McAdoo then summarizes, after popping in another plug for the shop and their range of solutions for "the little things we can do". In other words, if you are on the west coast and are waiting to die of cancer why not shop online at while you wait. You don't want your money falling into the hands of a capitalist with an agenda. We should also pop over to for more news on Fukishima and a lot more. (That's another Alex Jones site, in case you didn't know). I then realized she was not going to summarize at all, just advertise. In fact the last four minutes are taken up by adverts for AJ products, some done by the man himself.

My summary is short and free of advertising. Most of the points looked at here are well documented online and this video adds nothing new. The worth of this piece, then, lies on the credibility of the expert. I googled him but couldn't find anything, but never checked social networks. Just saying.

On to other matters then. In the aforementioned interview on GUNN Kev (TruthTube451, AKA MrGlasgowTruther on Youtube) and his mate Cip and a guest called Dom poked fun at the AJ show, particularly the adverts. They also mention that there is supposed to be a subliminal message in the intro to his DVD The Rise of the FEMA State It is a guest called Des (not me) that first mentions that Jones is now mainstream media, at approx. 52 minutes in.He follows this by mentioning the subliminal "submit to fear". I have watched the video and did see the caption. It is not, however a subliminal message. It is on the screen for far too long. A subliminal is barely registered by the eye, or not registered at all. I offer an alternative and simple explanation : the caption is part of the build up to a typical Alex Jones piece outlining how freedoms and rights are being removed from the American republic and replaced by a surveillance state. The only thing Mr Jones is guilty of is sensationalism. That is part and parcel of the whole products for preppers package: create a state of fear in the viewer then lead them to your product. The entire piece is here, but AJ is mentioned merely as an aside to something else.

So is Alex Jones a sell out? Is he part of the controlled revolution? I asked such questions in a blog a year or so ago. Then I concluded that I wasn't convinced that he is a stooge. Now, a year on, I rarely go on to his sites, when once they were visited daily. This is not because of the content, it is the new snazzy looking , yes mainstream format that put me off. That and the fact that he promotes his own products constantly. As far as the business side goes he has sold out. He has become the monster that he sought to conquer. Whole industries are linked to his name: water purifiers, Nascent Iodine, survival stuff and of course his internet sites. But why knock him for it? Is he not living the American dream? From humble beginnings a mighty empire grows?(I must confess, I have no idea how humble his beginngs were, I just thought that sounded good!) The point is, to me he is a sell out because I am anti capitalist. He isn't, so by his standards he hasn't sold out. As far as his content, aims and intentions go they seem the same as they ever were. Ideologically, he hasn't sold out. His critics should worry more about his right wing gun-slinging rhetoric which is going to encourage some to "protect" their "rights" with deadly force. That would look like controlled opposition.

My biggest disappointment with Jones was his behavior on the BBC2 Andrew Neill Interview when the Bilderbergs were in Watford. This was his opportunity, whilst on national TV in the UK, with at least several hundred thousand lunch time viewers to outline the truth movement agenda. He could have presented findings on corporate conglomeracy and show the links between groups and individuals who are meeting in private behind closed doors and are making financial and political decisions that could effect millions of people who did not vote for anybody to do this and who have no recourse to take action should they not like what is being done. Sadly, he did not do this. Instead he chose to wear his "loud, obnoxious American" hat, to shout about the Bilderbergs and exposing their agenda. Honestly, if his intention was to show truth seekers and conspiracy theorists as ranting loonies then mission accomplished Alex. You know, the more I write the more I appear to be swaying towards the thinking that he is a media plant. I mean, why would he choose to behave like that when given a chance to inform people. Andrew Neill baited the trap and Alex jumped in with both feet.

So, in assessing an interview I have discovered that it is basically a filler piece with a scary title. It is a drawn out infomercial. In assessing the man behind the media I can only wonder what his true agenda really is. Will he rant and curse forever? Is this to rile people up? Will the fall of American society and economy happen any time soon? People have been telling us for twenty years that it's on its way. One thing is for sure : radiation is on its way so stock up on your Iodine (available at the infowars store!).

Thursday, 9 January 2014


Moral panics.

I have seen this item on a number of sites, and of course the doomsayers have picked up on it on Youtube.

Another scare story or warning us in advance? Why mention it now when the last one happened 70000 years ago? Answer? To keep people distracted and scared and (they hope) have people turning to the nanny state for help. As for the scaremongers, they are on the tube with their videos of how Yellowstone is "overdue" an eruption as if it was a train that is late pulling in to the station. They forget that they are talking about a natural phenomenon which is still not completely understood. We don't know all the mechanisms that trigger earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. They may even be influenced by the activity of the sun such as coronal mass ejections or sunspots. I don't know, but what I do know is that if a super volcano does erupt we can do nothing about it so whats the point of fretting?

Global warming anyone?

A freaky article here tells of the frost in Canada causing booming sounds. More evidence to counter the global warming argument. Although here is one in support of it :

Yeb Sano, who led the Philippines delegation at the UN c(lie)mate conference was almost crying as he talks of global warming. This cracks me up. Scientists and politicians cannot see past global warming. The storm that Mr Sano is talking about could have been because of weather modification, an area of research that science based companies are only now coming clean about despite decades of messing with cloud seeding and chem-trailing. Below is a link that just might expose the direction that the global warming brigade may take to account for all the cold weather. The article goes on to point out that there isn't any proof of increases in storm strength when compared to records of previous years.

Meanwhile, radioactive snow is falling in the USA.Below is an item by Dutchsinse,of Youtube fame who measured radiation levels of snow falling on Missouri:

Dutchsinse also studied the tropical storm Haiyan of which Yeb spoke. He assessed microwave bursts in the area and concluded that this storm may have been steered towards the Philippines. This caused controversy at the time, with Philippine TV stations picking up on the story. They then dragged in traditional c(lie)mate "experts" who ridiculed this idea and said it was impossible. I'm not so sure of that though, as HAARP is an extremely powerful weapon known to be aimed at the stratosphere to bounce microwave and radio signals back to earth. What I am saying is that it is not scientifically impossible, and the speed with which Dutchsinse was challenged suggests that the Philippines media elite wanted this idea quashed as soon as possible.

 The first batch of chemical weapons have been removed from Syria. What are they going to do with them? Dump them in the ocean, of course.

They are to be destroyed in international waters, it has not been revealed where. Perhaps they are starting to poison the Atlantic to restore balance between oceans.

So the situation in Syria must be improving a little. No.

Chemical weapons removed and replaced by conventional weapons. Why can't the UK and the USA keep out of international affairs? Greed and power. Its all about control. All "Arab Spring" countries were going to move away from the petrodollar and create a new exchange rate currency.

I had to include this next piece in the news round up. I thought that I had a minority view, perhaps not. (Although I don't think that the aliens that visited long ago were little green men,as pictured. We were made in their image, after all.)

Did something happen in 1890 in North Carolina that the authorities don't want known?

Stories like this fascinate me. As someone who is interested in history I know I would have loved to look at these. Documents found from 1890 are rare, even the census, as the article points out is sketchy during this period. Whereas I can understand why the Carolina state archives wouldn't want them if they were concerned about mold spreading to other artifacts there was no reason why they couldn't be returned to The Heritage Society of Franklin county who could have housed them .

Finally for this news roundup is a piece on GM foods. From the beginning I have thought that this was a stupid idea, one with profit written all over it.GM foods, not safe. I don't think that is a surprise to many of us.

perhaps that's why they are trying to hide them :

If Monsanto and similar genocidal chemical companies are so confident in their product then why go to these lengths to hide them? They will probably win their argument because the FDA have shown in the past that they have scant regard for the safety of American citizens. It has been good to see, over the past year many countries, Poland for example, have refused to allow GM crops in their country. At least the Poles are showing some backbone. The UK government are trying to find ways to sneak it in to British foods as they can't do it honestly because we don't want them. In truth, though, we have to accept that with cross contamination and the subterfuge of greedy capitalists we are probably eating GM food now, or eating meat that comes from animals that are fed GM products.

Well, I'm off to buy more seeds to store before they are all GM. Grow your own food, people. It's the safest way.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014



Conspiracy theorists and truth seekers hate birth control. Any time birth control is mentioned they protest against it seeing it quite simply as being part of a depopulation agenda. It is generally seen as being promoted by eugenicists and environmentalists. I would never put theses two things in the same sentence but the right wing truthers do: to them there is no difference between caring for the environment and hating people. All "greens" think that the impact humans make on the world should be minimised in order to preserve the earth in a healthy state. This means taking into account that there is a finite amount of water on this planet and if we do not curtail our numbers and our activities we will poison the water to such an extent that it will no longer support life: including us.

It seems perfectly acceptable to me to be able to believe in the need for birth control without being open to accusations of being in favour of slaughtering people. Preventing an unwanted pregnancy is not killing someone. Terminating a living fetus is another matter, and it is the promise made under "Obamacare" to provide free abortions to all regardless of age that has upset people most recently. Before demoting this action to the status of an act of murder by the state opponents ought to take a moment to look at things from the position of the individual who undergoes the abortion. Should women made pregnant through rape be made to bring an unwanted child in to the world? What about a young girl who is "roofied"? Should she live with a child that was not made from love: indeed was made from an act of evil? Some women who find themselves pregnant outside of marriage could run the risk of being isolated by their families or beaten: if they are unlucky enough to be pregnant at an early age, it could stop them from having a life if parenthood is forced upon them. Individual rights, particularly the right to individual choice is at stake if the anti abortion lobby win their argument. Abortion is not being made compulsory, but I think that some anti abortionists feel that making access too easy will lead to some women having abortions and then regretting it, or using abortion as a contraceptive rather than some form of prevention.

If  proper contraception is used, no matter what form it takes it will help to prevent an unwanted birth. By restricting access to birth control methods there will be more children born in to misery and poverty. How can you be a loving parent if, at the back of your mind you are thinking that the child in front of you was a mistake? It's no use expecting adolescents to resist temptation, to wait until they are married. Some will, but there are plenty that won't. Whether through peer pressure or getting caught up in the moment some will have sex, maybe out of curiosity or from mistaking hormonal desire for love. Only a heartless, pious person could tell their pregnant teenage daughter that she made her bed so she will have to lie in it. It is even worse to make the girl have the child against her will. Mistakes happen and people should be allowed the opportunity to rectify them.

Some States make abortion more difficult because they say that they believe in the sanctity of life. In America the government can make one set of laws and the individual states make separate laws. There is sometimes conflict between the two. The Marijuana situation is a good example. Some states have legalized its use for medicinal purposes. There are even cannabis dispensaries. The government, however, (even though they and Britain are the biggest opium dealers on the planet) are against the use of weed and actively arrest sellers and users. The same kind of thing seems to be happening with abortion. Although the government want to make abortion accessible to everyone some states are legislating against abortion, or doing everything that they can to make it difficult.

As the above link shows restricting access will result in some women taking extreme measures because they are scared. No woman should ever be put in that position. The right to self determination should come first. It doesn't even matter what a pregnant woman's reasons for wanting an abortion are: if, for any reason she feels that she cannot be a mother then she should have the right to make her own choice. Politicians have no right to tell her, neither do religious leaders. If people have a problem with that they also have a problem with democracy, with freedom of choice, with individual rights.

What about suitability to be a parent? Look at the way some people behave. Drug taking, alcohol abuse and promiscuity contribute to the number of unwanted births every year. Should irresponsible people who have children that they neglect, exploit or abuse just be allowed to keep reproducing? People who will not put their children first and see them only as a gateway to state benefits should not be allowed to be parents. Some kind of parenting exam should be brought in which is mandatory and should anybody fail they should not be allowed to have a family.  This leads to the thorny question of who would make such decisions. If social services are the people to decide what is to stop them from concluding that a pregnant woman will not make a good parent? Could we see a move from the present role of removing children from what are considered dangers to recommending terminations? This would certainly be in violation of individual rights. It could lead to ethnic cleansing or categorizing certain types as not mentally fit for holding certain views.Having children is everyone's right: so too should the right to not have children.

Going further from this, perhaps the state could determine character types that they consider antisocial and then sterilize whole swathes of the population. Who would they choose? Murderers, Rapists, child abusers? Probably not. Under the current legal system the highest jail sentences are given to thieves, particularly armed robbers who target banks. This tells you all that you need to know about the value system of the state that controls us. I have a feeling that if  birth control is not taken up by enough people there will be eugenicists that are in favor of the more extreme methods of population control. Do you think that I am exaggerating? They have already tried it.

So is there a balance to be found? The state, by which I mean almost every government in the world want to advance family planning in order to control our numbers. Many religions and civic groups are against it. Is the argument merely one of progression versus conservatism or is there more to it? An argument could be made that it is only relevant in a capitalist society. Eugenics has been around for about the same time as industrialism and as automatic machinery have increased it has led to the need for less workers. We are at the stage now where children will be born into unemployment. Industrialists want to play god and determine how many people should be born to keep their system running and to keep the elite, who don't seem to limit the size of their own families in the luxury that they are in now. In short, if we didn't have capitalism there would be no need for birth control.

Is birth control to be the thin end of the bat that is going to beat people into submission? It is a scarily Orwelian scenario. Is this what the anti abortionists worry about? Abortion is a very emotive subject which is why the chance of unwanted pregnancy should be minimized through birth control. Parents should stop complaining about their children being taught birth control at school and see it as a way of giving them more information with which to make a better informed decision. My view, having looked at both sides is that the safer option for us repressed people (everyone on less than $30 000 a year) is to go along with birth control until we can find a way to change the system that we live in and concentrate on what keeps us alive rather than on what makes a profit.

The governments best weapon in reducing population is not contraception. It is their everyday decisions that will sway youngsters. I have three children who have all told me they will never bring a child in to this world. Successive governments of all political persuasions have screwed things up so much they are creating disillusion. There is no future for them. No jobs, they can't afford a place of their own and they can't see any improvement in the future. What's more they shun social life in favor of sitting at their pcs involved in a virtual world because, I guess, they feel safer there than in the real world.

Maybe that is how we will die out. People will just lose the urge to continue unless we provide a world for them that seems worth having children in.

Monday, 6 January 2014


Our environment, by which I mean our entire planet is under attack on many fronts. Mining poisons the atmosphere and the miners, Industry produces as much waste as it does products. The situation in China now is the same as in the west at the turn of the last century :

 Many other industrial areas in China are the same. It just goes to show that no matter what kind of government or political system you live under your elite will work you to death and make sure death comes quickly by completely poisoning the air that we breathe. There isn't much industrial pollution in the west (apart from the mining, fracking and nuclear processing) which is why they have developed chem-trails. They don't want us to miss out on our daily dose of poison.

There is an interesting article here which outlines the damage our food chain is suffering because of nuclear accidents:

Speaking of poison even before Fukshima the US was dumping nuclear waste in the ocean :

Its not just the US :

No wonder fishermen are saying that the ocean is dead. As well as dealing with poison of the deadliest kind Fish stocks are also dropping because of increased demand.

Isit any surprise that it results in this :

It is no surprise that the public no longer have faith in the state. It is becoming more obvious daily that the people they represent mean nothing to the politicians. I am surprised that people are still eating fish. Fortunately I'm allergic, at least that's one less way that cancer can get me. Still, I suppose that all the cooking programs and even cooking channels have something to do with that. They are all seafood mad. Either that or the top chefs and TV directors are encouraged to promote it. I think that it should go a stage further, something like "30 minute meals, brought to you  by British Nuclear Fuels, proud poisoners of Dublin Bay Prawns."

Another daily perusal I make is to check on news of viruses. Two things seem to be happening with viruses:
firstly there is an awful lot of research going on, much of which is aimed at trying to make an animal virus jump over to humans and second the media is printing and airing stories daily about these viruses, particularly bird flu. Its good to keep people worried so that they don't look more closely at the real problems we face. In the near future, as the death toll from Fukishima mounts the media will cover up the connection by suggesting that there is a flu pandemic under way. The links below show the danger of allegedly intelligent people tampering with natures way of culling:

...and add to that general sloppiness

There is also an increase in diseises thought to have been eradicated:

Death the military way here with more proof that the invasion of Afghanistan has made things worse:

War is, of course the oldest method employed in mass killing, and since time began there has been an elite behind the carnage. Their reasons nowadays are primarily financial but of course there is also ethnic cleansing. Even now state elites get rid of dissent this way. China's regime are battling growing religious opposition with harsh measures and Turkey does the same to Kurds that want independence. As for Israel, they have mastered it as an art. They took the Nazis death camp idea within which Jews were cruelly treated and killed and applied it to Palestine.

When you think about all the wars going on around the world, the pollution and the contamination is it any wonder that there are people that believe the powers that be want to kill us? One thing is for sure, they are not doing anything to improve things for us, are they?


Despite growing evidence to the contrary position scientists (paid by governments) are still adamant that people are responsible for global warming. All the changes in our climate are our fault because of industrialization and in particular the filthy oil industry and driving cars. Their position is laid out in this article from the daily Torygraph:

We all know the argument - increased carbon in the atmosphere from human made causes is preventing heat escaping to space. This is the greenhouse effect. However there is growing evidence to suggest that the position we are in is a lot more complex than that with many more forces at play than increased carbon.Weather around the world has gone haywire. Areas that rarely or never see snow are being buried by it :

Snow has also been reported in the middle east. In the U.S. there are areas with record snow at the same time as some states are in a drought and others are experiencing heavy rain. A recent article that sums up this farcical situation reported that a conspiracy of climate scientists (I think that should be the new term for more than one scientist) who were on their way to Antartica to confirm global warming got stuck in the ice:

The reason that they got stuck was simple - there has been an increase in the amount of ice at the south pole which is the opposite of what the climatologists are trying to prove.

These scientists should realize that their orchestrated lie is being exposed. Only ignorant uninformed people, or people with an agenda believe in global warming. A quick look around the world in news stories soon proves this. In the U.S. at the moment they are preparing for extremely cold weather:,0,6839087.story

Some newspapers are highlighting the contradiction :

Even the Australian bush fires this summer have caused arguments with advocates of global warming citing the fires as proof of global warming and those in opposition to this statement are saying this is a naturally occuring phenomenon that happens every year.

Other scientific reports blame other sources for global warming :

Levels of methane have, of course been cited in global warming arguments before. Intensive farming methods to meet the demand for meat have led to some saying that the methane given off by cattle is a big contributor. At the bottom of the above piece is a link to another article on the relationship between earthquakes and undersea methane deposits. I would venture that this is a lot more dangerous than breeding cattle. It is a good reason for us to make our governments rethink the practice of fracking before they disturb Methane that may kill us all.

That's the biggest irony really. The government blame us for global warming because of our activities in our day to day lives, but at the same time give permission to greedy capitalists to increase toxic gasses in the atmosphere from mining, drilling for oil and most dangerous of all fracking.

Why should we listen to the elites in our society when they are obviously so hypocritical. The dumb twats haven't even stopped to think of what will happen to the economy if people stop driving cars, which means not buying petrol. What if millions of people decide to become vegetarian because of cow methane? I hope it happens. I hope people turn away in droves from oil products until the destroyers of our planet stop fracking. It's bad enough that we don't know the full story on the effects of mobile phones and broadcasting masts because reports are not made public. The truth is that the damage to the environment caused by "us" is actually caused by capitalists who don't want to clean up their act because it will lessen their profits.

The truth about climate change probably lies with another conspiracy of scientists, the weather modification crowd who at long last are admitting what they are doing.

Here is a list of some of the organizations involved and what they are working on:

With all this going on and Fukishima it is no wonder that our planet is dying. Lets not forget that before Fukishima there was Chernobyl, before that Three mile Island and before that Winscale (Sellafield). How many more radiation leaks can we withstand? I'm in my fifties so I don't have long left anyway, but what will my children face in the coming years? Given that they are being dumbed down by the state how will they deal with these problems? By the time my fourteen year old daughter gets to middle age will she recognise the world that she was born into?

I don't think that she will.