Wednesday 4 July 2012


The internet is laden with end of the world stories. The biggest cause of these is the Mayan calendar. According to some the calendar, which has a history of eclipses and star movements finishes on the 21st of December 2102 and this signifies the end of the world. However sense is starting to prevail and more information has come to light following further excavations of ancient sites in South America. Amongst the finds was a calendar that continues on after 12/21 which suggests that the Maya never intended to predict the end of the world.

The doomsdayers often refer to a document in a German museum known as the Dresden codex to back their claims. There are fifty two almanacs at the start of the codex which have been used by some to foretell the future. These tell of floods and earthly devastation. It is important to remember when looking at Mayan history that the Mayans believed that history was cyclical in nature: they believed that what has happened before will happen again. Their obsession with patterns in numbers and in the night sky led to the calendar coming in to being.

A point to consider first of all is how much of the world did the Maya know about? Not a lot is probably the answer as they obviously hadn’t heard of Spain. The Calendar was for the Maya and concerned their society and the world as they knew it.

Some recent documentaries

If you put 2012 in as a search term in You-tube you will find enough snippets and documentaries that would take longer than the rest of the year to read. There have also been offerings from the pseudoscience channels like Discovery and the History Channel. Some of these are done in the style of the paranormal with references to Nostradamus, Mother Shipton, Edgar Cayce and the Football world cup predicting Octopus. Other Programming includes NASA representatives, Professors and Astronomers but these people don’t all sing from the same hymn sheet, so to speak (I know, they’re Scientists so probably go nowhere near Hymn sheets!).

Some examples for your perusal:

  A contribution from a regular on Ancient Aliens  David Wilcock

 End of the world predictions here plus a lot of weird and wonderful stuff to explore amongst the other links on the page

Planet X and Aliens here


A spiritual view here

The Christian view Bah! Humbug! (Actually Christians seem to have a lot to say on the subject)

Angry skeptic here

So will it be the end, a new beginning or business as usual? I am hoping for option two but expecting option three. There is another possibility I would like to suggest, somewhat tongue in cheek: the biggest conspiracy ever! I read a book some years ago called The Stargate Conspiracy by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince (Warner Books, 1999). They were expecting a worldwide false flag event in the form of a bogus alien invasion, thus giving the elites the opportunity to form a one world government. The power behind the powers that be could orchestrate some kind of “catastrophe” using the fear some people have about December 2012 to coincide with the prophecies. As I have wrote elsewhere, though, they couldn’t pull off a certain demolition job in New York without raising so many questions that the suspicions still haven’t died down. I don’t think that they are ready to try and hoodwink the whole world yet. In fact, I think that their powers are weakening now that they have been all but identified.

I think that I will still be blogging in 2013 – probably about what didn’t happen in 2012. That is, if the solar flares don’t wipe out our satellites!

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