Monday 14 May 2012


The nuclear disaster at Fukishima over a year ago was a warning to humankind as to what can happen when you use a reactor to provide electricity. There was no terrorist attack, no accident caused by workers or work practices, there was an earthquake. Common sense should have told a nation prone to earthquakes that nuclear power was not their best choice for creating energy: then again, producing energy is only a secondary result from nuclear reactors, primarily they make poison for the world’s most powerful weapons. A year on from that disaster there is very little being said about it. The subject is treated as if it is over and done with. Of course, it isn’t because every living thing on earth will be affected by the radiation created by the collapse of the Fukishima nuclear plant.

Tests carried out in Harwell Radiation Laboratories in England show that airborne radiation in Japan is 100 times higher than the peak radiation at the time of the 1960’s nuclear testing. This was based on the amount of Cesium 137 in the atmosphere. The air quality is three times worse than after the Chernobyl incident, which has been estimated to have killed one million people to date. Details here The information was obtained from studying donated car air filters, but as the article states:

The estimates must be considered as conservative or low since the smallest particles go through the car air filters and emerge from the car’s exhaust. The smallest radioactive particles simply go through a human’s skin or go to the bottom of a human’s lungs and stay there. The poison radiates cells within a range extending 20 cells deep in all directions. The dead and dying or mutated cells become cancers and hundreds of other radiation related diseases.

In fact, a person only has to inhale a piece of cesium that is 1000th of the size of a pinhead to risk getting Cancer. To make things worse the Japanese authorities are BURNING radioactive waste. As if there isn’t enough poison in the air, they are adding more! Now reactor four at Fukishima is collapsing. If this happens it has been estimated by some that Cesium 137 levels will be 85 times higher that the Chernobyl disaster. More here It is already being claimed that there is an increase in deaths in the USA because of Fukishima. It should also be remembered that as the nuclear plant is on the coast the disaster also led to thousands of gallons of radioactive water escaping in to the sea. 

 WHY ISN’T THIS FRONT PAGE NEWS? : Because big brother doesn’t want anti-nuclear sentiment to rise. If reactor number four does collapse it will devastate the world. The UK government has a public health campaign running currently that advises anyone who has had a cough for three weeks should go to a Doctor because they might have cancer. I wonder if we are already being affected by increasing radiation? Are more of us about to die of cancer?
One thing is for sure, if we are then we will die in ignorance.

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