Last blog I wrote about the "free" market and how it doesn't work, looking at control of choice, unfair competition and built in bias, advertising and selling goods designed to fail in order to create further sales. I should have added at that time that companies are also happy to rush goods to the marketplace before the teething problems are ironed out. Of course stupid consumers help make this happen by preordering goods. What kind of numbskull pays the greedy capitalist BEFORE they have the goods. The mind boggles!
These are just a few of the tricks hidden up the sleeves of the capitalist. Yet people still labour under the false assumption that it is a free market, which they take it means that the system is open to all and has rules that govern it. In actual fact, the "free" in free market means free to shit on everyone that you are bigger than and help yourself to their resources.
Not only do you need to have loads of money, the backing of a bank plus premises and a license to trade or manufacture, without the right contacts there is no guarantee of any success. This is evident most in the modern era. At the dawn of the industrial revolution, through shady dealings and bully boy tactics certain families became the "nouveau riche". They were mainly made up of international Bankers and industrialists. These people saw themselves as the new royalty and the mood of this new class was one of optimistic megalomania: as the future unfolded they expected to replace Royalty and be the ultimate elite and set out to interfere as much as possible with the community and the individuals therein. Apparently they know what is best for us.
These are the people of the illuminati, who seek to replace royalty, religion and government . National governments cede power to larger organisations such as the EU. This diminishes National identity in favour of federation, eroding nationalism and individualism. Do not make the mistake that most conspiracy theorists do by including the Royal family in with these criminals, the Royal Families of Europe and the Freemasons stand for OLD values and an old order. The new world order would either destroy these groups and steal their knowledge and wealth or, alternately ridicule and trivialise them in the eyes of the people - THEN steal their wealth and knowledge. It could be argued that they are at war with each other now for control of society. I admit this is an unusual view but I truly believe that the NWO is separate from the Masons and the Royal families. I also believe that the Bilderberg meetings are not just a straightforward sit down to map out the future sort of event: I think it is two sides coming together to negotiate.
So, point five, six and seven are that you need money to make money, without contacts you fail and those with the power transcend national borders and dominate economies and ignore any laws that get in their way.
As an example of how the modern political/economic balance is changing let us look at point eight of this list: Blackmail. The worst kind of blackmail, the "too big to fail" bailout is a subject on its own, to be examined later. For now, let us look at how the corporate world is willing to blackmail governments over jobs and tax breaks. First of all we have out and out robbery of the country - Tax evasion. What happens when the little guy doesn't pay his tax? They lose his/her home and go to jail. In the UK tax is removed from a workers wages before they get them! Who are they really working for?
THIS link is a good example of corporate wankery. General Electric, for one, posted record profits and paid NO tax. The ten worst offenders are listed by Senator Sanders. He'd better watch his back, he will be on a hitlist now. How dare he suggest that corporations should pay more tax! All the usual suspects are there, Exxon and Bank of America actally got REBATES! What a cesspool we are forced to live in. The moral codes of society are being destroyed. Now, what was bad is good: what is good is squashed.
There is also the offshore corporate scam. To avoid U.S. taxes corporations use offshore subsidiary companies
As the paragraph below, from the article shows, unfair advantage can be gained by using loopholes:
"The Government Accountability Office (GAO), Congress' investigative watchdog, has found that "a majority of America's largest publicly traded companies and the U.S. government's largest federal contractors use multiple subsidiaries in offshore tax havens to conduct business and avoid paying U.S. taxes," writes Carol D. Leonnig for The Washington Post."
How can it be a free market when the richest can cheat? The corporations have all the resources: the top Lawyers they employ find the loopholes and legitimise the shell companies as well as representing the capitalist in court. Why would anybody want to give a corporation the same rights as an individual? Yet somehow they won this right. The law, is indeed at times an Ass.
Another example of a corporation demanding special treatment is provided by FIFA. The international football organisation demands tax free status wherever it sets up a competition. Nations that play football (Soccer to any Americans reading this) should tell them where to go. Why should a footballing organisation get tax free status?Why should any company?
THIS example is classic blackmail. It may be from 1999 but it is still worth studying. The company involved screwed millions in subsidies then threatens to shuts up shop when they stop. They knew that if they threatened to take jobs away politicians would worry about how it made them look.
Over here in the UK the power companies are amongst the biggest blackmailers. They just don't like the idea of going green because it will cost them money (of which they have plenty).
I would imagine that EDF are particularly worried as they are nuclear poisoners.
If there is a sneaky and underhand way to do things capitalism will find it. Take Obamacare, for example. The Presidents aim was to provide help for those who can't afford it. Unfortunately for him, he is president in a country where millions of ignorant people have been taught by the loony right, the tea party and such, that to help people in need leads to communism. What a bunch of twats! On top of this, the corporations have found ways to exploit the situation and deliver a kick in the groin to their workers. Take a look at THIS example
So that the greedy, heartless profit loving America hating capitalists can avoid contributing to Obamacare they have cut their workers hours so that they do not qualify for the bast- er, bosses contribution to the Affordable Care Act. This is diabolical behaviour of the lowest kind. It is this kind of action that makes me hate capitalism. The workers provide all the effort to create products, often in industries that leave workers exposed to conditions that are detrimental to their health. They SHOULD be provided for by the evil godless profit zombies that they make the profit for. Instead workers are treated like crap, jobs are moved to the far east to exploit workers in those countries by paying even lower wages than in the U.S. and the future is one where almost all jobs will be done by machines because they are easier to program than humans.
I have raised this point before: if nobody has any wages how are they supposed to afford consumer goods? How long can the current system go on before the number of unemployed across the realm of western capitalist countries becomes a problem that the elite have to "deal" with?
There is another example of blackmail and lies HERE
All over the world corporations try, and often succeed in controlling government actions and fleecing the taxpayer into the bargain. This blog has looked at how the system is set up for the wealthy by the wealthy, has transcended national boundaries and use their clout to blackmail governments to get what they want: big profits not to be shared with workers or the government. Next time I will round off this examination of the money making scam that is called free market capitalism by looking at the big subjects such as war for profit and price fixing.
Until next time
Love and peace to you all.
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Sunday, 4 May 2014
First of all, let me say to my small group of readers that I have not been writing recently because of Fibromyalgea. My hands have been particularly stiff and sore. Even leaving a small comment on you tube has led to hours of pain. Never mind, someone has provided me with a small amount of alternative medication and I feel much better temporarily. It is a pity that it is illegal.
Of course, you know why it won't be legalised: first there is the very rich and powerful Alcohol lobby who see it as a threat. Then there are the Pharmaceutical companies, who despite trying to extract elements of cannabis to create painkillers, they can't do it without creating side effects such as an extremely dry mouth and lethargy, as ingesting cannabis will make you very sleepy indeed. (Unless, I must add, the user has M.E. Arthritis, Fibromyalgea or other diseases of the nervous system in which case it merely treats the symptoms.) Finally there is the Tobacco lobby. Weed is most definitely a threat to them. The reason it is a threat is that unlike Tobacco it is easy to grow in any climate (possibly not the Antarctic, admittedly!.)The bottom line is that we could all grow it ourselves which means that capitalists wouldn't make much profit. There is the nub of it: profit.
The reason for a "free market" is the pursuit of profit. This means that before anything else is considered, such as fair wages and good working conditions, or respect for the environment and the flora and fauna around us the capitalist will first ensure that it makes a large profit. Not just a profit, it wants THE MAXIMUM PROFIT POSSIBLE. Please note, I have not made an error when I call the capitalist "it". To my mind the greedy and ruthless amongst us are NOT human, they are sub-human. They have lost their humanity.
So the first point in the list to show that the "free market" is bogus is choice, as shown in the second paragraph of this piece. You cannot sell just anything that you want. Governments make laws at the request of their banking cartel overlords, particularly to protect their markets. The international bankers are drug dealers. SO are the UK and US governments. This Guardian article from 2009 tells us that the banking system may have collapsed altogether in the 2008 US property investment debacle IF IT WASN'T FOR DRUG MONEY!
A little googling will take you to many such articles about the international banking eugenicists. Fair enough, you might say, banks are dodgy and they don't care where they get their money from. Surely, though, our governments don't get involved in such things? Well, actually, yes they do. Britain went to war with China between the years 1829 and 1860. These wars were known as The Opium Wars, and the war started because China banned the use of Opium, which the British had plentiful supply of as they had control of the poppy growing areas of India . Britains plan was to create a market of opium and Heroin addicts in China to supply to. Information can be found at Wikipedia or other sources such as THIS:
Even the government mouthpiece the BBC have the story. In modern times we have seen a steady increase in the production of Opium in Afghanistan since the US and Britain illegally invaded. In fact, just a year before the troops went in to quell the alleged terrorists of Al Queda (CIA) who all appear to dress up as women and children. Well they are the only dead bodies I have seen in the news (not the mainstream news, obviously, which fabricates reports.) Anyway, I digress. A year before the invasion Al Queda burned all the opium fields. They were not in keeping with the teachings of Allah. Suddenly the US/UK invade and Opium production reaches record highs (pun intended). Here is something else gob-smackily shocking for you to take in
- and for further reading:
So we have established that the Elites run a system that restricts freedom of choice whilst hypocritically making money out of drugs. Typical. That's why all the big drug dealers, the ones who supply the guys who sell on the street all invariably work for the establishment. The Opium wars example shows us that the establishment are always willing to threaten war if they don't get what they want. Hence the invasion of Afghanistan.
Moving on, and linking with the above point on choice we have our "f(r)iend" the BBC. Not only has this insidious organization been shown to be rife with pedophilia and to have done nothing about it they have also been caught out faking a news item on a chemical attack by Syrian rebels (For rebels, read : people who disagree with American/UK foreign policy). This item from You tube is an eye-opener:
more HERE and HERE
It is interesting to see HERE that the moderator of this site has removed the video and closed the topic from furthar discussion:
Be aware, my friends, that the media is doing exactly the same thing in the Ukraine. In the interest of fairness I have to declare that I have watched videos on staged media events before that show that Russia Today is as guilty as the others when it comes to staging "news" items, although CNN comes out on top ( Isn't that station owned by that three nationality illuminati supporting Rupert Murdock? Owner of the British Sun "newspaper?). Actually this guy ought to change his surname from Murdock to Mudrake. Its more accurate.
Anyway, back to the BBC and why they show us that there is not a free market. Whilst every other station has to attract advertising and sponsorship to keep running, the BBC is protected from the lows of the free market economy because every person that owns a TV, even if that person does not watch the BBC because it is a paedos paradise and is run by EU supporting liars they still have to pay £145.50 a year for a license. EVEN IF YOU DON'T HAVE A TV!!! If you have a PC, laptop or a gaming device that can get you online you still have to have a license. EFFING NAZIS! They should be made to sink or swim, like every other media company. Shove your TV license where the sun doesn't shine!
The media in general is owned by capitalists who also own companies and products that manufacture goods that their media section will endorse and promote. This give an edge over small and medium sized family run businesses which makes it easier to drive these out of business or buy them out. Our high streets nowadays have no charm or character because there are very few small, privately owned shops. We are awash in corporate world when we visit our town centres. The world I grew up in has gone completely and has been replaced by a lifeless glass and plastic environment devoid of spirit.
So to recap, as I seem to be babbling on a bit. It must be because I haven't written for a while ( is it still called writing if technically you are typing?) Anyway, Choice is determined by the rich, and in some cases restricted by them, and the media gives the same powerful groups (only FIVE companies own all the media in the US) an advatage through self promotion and state/corporate control of the media. This brings me to the next point, point number three: advertising.
Advertising in the mass media was invented by Edward Bernays, Nephew of Freud, initiator of mind control through psychiatry.Like his uncle he knew that the way to peoples wallets and purses was through their minds. His thinking is not a million miles away from social Darwinism, which is at the root of Eugenics. Basically he thought that wonderful middle class people such as himself had to herd the masses in the "right" direction. We lowly mortals are irrational and think with a "herd" mentality, according to Bernays. The people like HIM had a duty to steer society in the right way, which meant using psychoanalysis and theories of crowd behaviour and control mixed with Pavlovian stimulus/response theory to elicit desired behaviours in the "herd". One thing has to be made clear about the work of Bernays. Although he developed the use of press releases and advertising his main aim was to sell stories and products AS NEWS ITEMS . He also brought in the format of presenting an "impartial authority" to endorse products. His perverted way of thinking, putting ideas and desires in consumers heads led to the success of alcohol and cigarettes. He is responsible for cancer and liver disease. What a guy!
Advertising is based on lies and misinformation. It is all about deception because advertising seeks to create a need for something that there was previously no real desire for. Advertising sells concepts, dreams, lifestyles. You only have to watch adverts on TV to see how ridiculous they are and how far removed the image being sold is from the actual product being sold. Think of all those grandiose car adverts, designed to make you change to a new car sooner than you really need to so that you can enjoy all the lovely new features. Mobile phone ads are the same. Samsung are trying to sell us the S5 currently, I'm still paying for the S bloody 3!!! Give us a break, for goodness sake.
As well as selling us things that we don't really need and can ill afford (don't worry if you are poor. Your friend the money lender will give you credit - and seize your goods later) the system is set up for point number four: they sell us things that have a built in lifetime. There is no way a capitalist is going to sell you a washing machine that will last for twenty years. If you don't need another before then, how does it keep on selling its washing machines? Most white goods come with a 5 year warranty for a reason - that's about how long they last. And have you noticed that since the dawning of the age of electronics your electrical goods have no serviceable parts? That is designed to stop people fixing things up themselves and forcing them into buying a new one. Being anti capitalist ( the current monetarist form of it, anyway) I always try and reuse whatever I can. The system gets as little of my money as I can get away with giving.
Mass production is set up to produce goods that will fail. Another way of robbing the consumer is by making things obsolete. As a kid I bought "Dark Side of the Moon". Then the capitalist elite (music branch) decided to stop producing vinyl and replace it with cassettes. I had a copy of the aforementioned Pink Floyd album on tape, for my new Walkman. Then tape is discarded and they bring in CDs. How many times do they want you to buy the same music? No wonder people Pirate. Well, that and the fact that the goods are overpriced and few people want to pay for them. Plus nobody has a job any more. What are we supposed to use to buy with?
In closing this first part I will summarise. The capitalist decides what products are available. It uses unfair competition. It can afford to blanket advertise which puts smaller companies at a disadvantage. They own the raw materials which smaller competition relies on and they sell it to them at an inflated price to drive up their overheads. Worst of all they sell us goods that will last a short time and that have no serviceable parts.
There is loads more to uncover but already it is evident that "free" market capitalism is a lie. The market is controlled by big money as I shall outline in the next blog.
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