Chemtrails, clearly not contrails. |
More news from the dark side
2013 is a day away from completion and we all await 2014 and wonder what it is going to bring. Comet Ison came and went accompanied by scaremongering across the internet. We will soon pass through its tail complete with debris so no doubt we will see a lot of nonsense spoken about what will happen. Probably nothing much.
The link below will take you to an article that looks at Huxley's Brave New World and Brave New World revisited as it examines the year to come.
This article outlines another reason that people seem to will a disaster to happen : boredom and the desire to break free of everyday routine.
It also looks at the year ahead and the effect of the concentration of industry and centralization on free will and democracy. The consequences of western capitalism and the role of technology on pollution are examined.
Well worth a read.
On the subject of a brave new world, here's another article that looks at the experiments that have been carried out on the public by the military. Such little gems as this are exposed :
"The US. Air Force sprayed silver and lead iodide into clouds above Vietnam to increase the normal monsoon rainfall, in secrecy from March 20, 1967 to July 5, 1972."
There follows a comprehensive list of toxins released on the American public since WW2. So I wondered, have the same things gone on here in England? Of course there has! The country that subjugated three quarters of the world and is already responsible for the slaughter of millions has no qualms about experimenting on its own people. The nay sayers can no longer deny weather modification - it is out in the open now. The countless germ warfare experiments should warn of of what the elites intentions are.
It makes me sick (Hmmm) that our governments see nothing wrong with dumping poison on us to test their biological weapons. Now that almost everything is done by machine, and those machines are repaired by replacing circuit boards (not much need even for engineers) there are a lot of unwanted ex workers who are surplus to requirements. They will think nothing of poisoning us all.
More on the cause of Cancer. I reported that the WHO now class pollution as a carcinogen. Evidence from the University of Manchester seems to back this up, claiming that Cancer is a modern, man made disease.
Its amazing. In the last few months all the lies we have been told for years are being exposed. Hopefully global warming will be too. The world is experiencing weather extremes, not just warming. As for it being caused by people, how, then, do we explain the warming occurring on other planets in the Solar system?
Having said that I do believe that there are too many cars on our roads and I wish that lazy fat people would start walking to the local shops instead of getting in their cars. It would do we pedestrians some good and also do them some good.
There has been a lot of controversy surrounding vaccines in recent years. Many people do not trust them and governments want to force them on to their populace.
However, their safety may be compromised in other ways, such as cheating:
It's funny how we don't hear much about AIDS these days. I don't think it killed enough people for the Elites liking, so they are now perfecting mass murder with animal flu viruses. They may have to drop that soon if it doesn't show more results. Turns out it's more difficult to get rid of people without exposing themselves (the elite) to it also. That can be the only reason that they haven't gone for mass poisoning. Well, not of people anyway, but they are doing a good job on the oceans. It's probably Fukishima that is going to do for most of us. Reports suggest that the Pacific ocean is basically dead.
Youtube is full of videos about what is happening since Fukishima. Here's one:
Sailors on USS Ronald Reagan have reported sickness after taking part in the clean up
I could go on all day and for the rest of my life collecting data about our stricken planet, the increased number of cancer cases, the rising number of strange diseases and the growth of illnesses thought to have been eradicated, such as Bubonic Plague and Polio and I wouldn't be able to cover a fraction of the current malaises that threaten us and our world.
I pray that the next generation care more about their environment than our current population. For their sakes, if they don't want premature deaths, increased birth defects and an explosion of allergies and asthma they are going to have to dedicate more time and resources to the environment. Going forward, a better political and economic system is needed to replace the free for all that we live in which has allowed the greedy and the subhumans to rise to the top. Yes I called them sub human. What else do you call people that put money and objects before the welfare of the planet and its people? The fact that Prime Minister Cameron is trying to convince us that profit is not a dirty word shows how out of touch he is with what the people believe. It also shows that governments are going to continue being puppets under the control of the elite and their corporations and continue to kill both the planet and its population. That doesn't matter to them, all they care about is making profit for people that already have far more than they need.
The Duke of Edinburgh once said that he would like to be reborn as a virus to cut down the population. Not a bad idea, although I would tweak it a little. I would come back as a virus that killed only rich people that did not earn their fortunes honestly and of course the elite, the people that made the mess that we have to live in.
What a wonderful world it would be.